HC Deb 07 December 1998 vol 322 cc22-3W
Dr. Harris

To ask the Minister of State, Lord Chancellor' s Department what assessment he has made of the effect of transferring the hearing of asylum appeal cases outside London on the presence of legal representatives of asylum seekers at such hearings. [61705]

Mr. Hoon

The Immigration Appellate Authority is monitoring the number of appellants whose cases are transferred out of London and the level of representation at those hearings. The hearings of the transferred cases stared in October 1998 so it is too soon to draw any conclusions.

Dr. Harris

To ask the Minister of State, Lord Chancellor's Department what checks court interpreters in asylum hearings are subject to; and when these checks were introduced. [61706]

Mr. Hoon

Interpreters in appeal hearings have always been required to complete a standard application form. This includes a status inquiry where they are required to declare anything that may undermine their suitability to perform interpreting functions on behalf of the IAA. Since 1996–97, the IAA has run an assessment and training programme (in close conjunction with the Institute of Linguists) to improve the quality of in-court interpreting. Adjudicators are also encouraged to provide general feedback to the IAA interpreter manager on the performance of individual interpreters.

Dr. Harris

To ask the Minister of State, Lord Chancellor's Department how many persons intending to be court interpreters in asylum hearings have failed to pass security checks; and what action was taken as a result. 61707]

Mr. Hoon

There is no formal mechanism in place to security check interpreters. However, they are required to complete a standard status enquiry form prior to appointment. Applications may be rejected by the IAA if the information provided questions the interpreter's competence or suitability to perform the job.

Dr. Harris

To ask the Minister of State, Lord Chancellor's Department how many asylum seekers were unrepresented at hearings(a) in London and (b) out of London when the asylum seeker (i) had and (ii) did not have an immigration solicitor in the most recent year for which figures are available. [61708]

Mr. Hoon

No figures are kept on the levels of representation at the London centres. In October 1998 the IAA started to keep figures relating to the levels of representation at hearings outside London to monitor the impact of transferring appeals to provincial centres.

Dr. Harris

To ask the Minister of State, Lord Chancellor's Department what plans he has to monitor the impact of transferring asylum hearings outside London on legal representation at hearings in cases where asylum seekers(a) have and (b) do not have a solicitor. [61709]

Mr. Hoon

The IAA is currently monitoring the impact of transferring asylum hearings outside London on the levels of representation. The hearings of these appeals started in October 1998 so it is too soon to draw any conclusions.