HC Deb 01 December 1998 vol 321 c165W
Mr. Crausby

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what percentage of the population aged between 16 and 65 years have(a) asthma, (b) eczema, (c) abscesses, (d) hepatitis C, (e) hepatitis B and (f) HIV. [60992]

Ms Jowell

The available information is summarised in the table.

Condition Estimated prevalence in adults in the general population
Asthma 1 Asthma is estimated to affect about 4 per cent, of adults sufficiently severely to require medical supervision
Eczema 2 The Health Survey for England 1996 reported that 13 per cent, of adults stated that a doctor had at some stage in their life diagnosed them as having eczema
Abscesses The information requested is not available
Hepatitis C Studies suggest that the prevalence of chronic carriage may be around 0.5 per cent.
Hepatitis B Available data indicate that the prevalence of chronic hepatitis B infection is around 0.3 per cent.
HIV 3 The current best estimate for diagnosed and undiagnosed HIV infections in England and Wales for 16–65 year olds is 0.07 per cent.
1 This estimate is drawn from Asthma: An Epidemiological Overview published by the Department of Health in 1995.
2 The Health Survey for England 1996 was carried out on behalf of the Department of Health by the Joint Health Surveys Unit and published earlier this year.


3 Public Health Laboratory Service