HC Deb 23 April 1998 vol 310 cc687-8W
Mr. Charles Clarke

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the steps taken by the Government to implement United Nations Security Council Resolution 1160 imposing an arms embargo on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. [39841]

Mr. Doug Henderson

The EU already imposes an arms embargo on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The UK's interpretation of this embargo covers all goods and

Departmental committees of inquiry
Department Committee Date established Chairman
Departmental Inquiries
MAFF, DH, SO, WO, NIO Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Inquiry December 1997 Lord Justice Phillips
DFEE National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education February 1996 Lord Dearing
DFEE Literary Task Force May 1996 Professor Michael Barber
DETR Merchant Vessel Derbyshire September 1995 Lord Donaldson
DETR Review of the Area Cost Adjustment October 1995 Professor Robert Elliot
DETR Sea Empress Environmental Evaluation Committee March 1996 Professor Ronald Edwards
DH Utting Children's Safeguards Review June 1996 Sir William Utting

technology in Part III of Schedule I to the Export of Goods (Control) Order 1994, as amended (the so-called "Military List").

Following the adoption by the UN Security Council on 31 March of Resolution 1160 as a result of the recent violence in Kosovo, the Privy Council have made Orders in Council giving full effect to the action which the UK is required to take. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (United Nations Sanctions) Order 1998; the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (United Nations Sanctions) (Dependent Territories) Order 1998; the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (United Nations Sanctions) (Channel Islands) Order 1998; and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (United Nations Sanctions) (Isle of Man) Order 1998 were approved by the Privy Council on 22 April, and will come into force on 24 April. As a result of these Orders a licence will be required to supply any goods on the Military List to the FRY, so bringing under control such supplies abroad by UK-registered companies or nationals.