HL Deb 08 April 1998 vol 588 cc158-61WA
Baroness Blatch

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will publish data for the United Kingdom and for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland separately showing the number and percentage of home applicants accepted on first degree courses at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge together, at all other universities and at all universities from each of the social class categories I, II, III(N), III(M), IV and V in each year from 1960 to 1997 together with the percentage from each of these social class categories of the whole population and the percentage of the 18 year-old cohort in the censuses of 1961, 1971, 1981, and 1991 showing data separately for men, women and all students. [HL1225]

Baroness Blackstone

The department does not collect information on the social class of accepted applicants to first degree courses at Oxford, Cambridge and other individual higher education establishments. The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) holds relevant information for the years 1994–1997 but this was collected on a confidential basis and is not publicly available. Data held centrally on admissions is shown in Table 1 and covers aggregate figures for the social class of accepted applicants to full-time and sandwich undergraduate courses applying through UCAS and its predecessor organisations; not all students enter through these services. Data are not available for each country separately, or for men and women separately for all the years in the table. The available data on social class from the 1991 Census are shown in Table 2.

Table 1: Accepted applicants to Full-time and Sandwich Undergraduate Courses in the UK, by Social Class (Home domiciled, All Ages) Thousands
Year of entry1
Social class 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
I Professional 26.5 35.5 37.0 37.6 38.7 39.3 39.7
II Intermediate 78.9 90.1 96.7 101.1 103.4 105.0 117.4
IIIn Skilled non-manual 19.7 25.7 28.1 29.7 30.3 31.3 44.8
IIIm Skilled manual 23.3 33.9 39.3 40.4 42.5 40.9 37.3
IV Partly Skilled 12.7 15.8 17.4 18.6 19.8 19.9 23.5
V Unskilled 2.1 3.6 4.3 4.5 5.0 4.9 5.6
Unknown 37.9 39.0 35.2 20.1 25.8 27.1 35.1
Total 201.2 243.6 258.1 251.3 265.5 268.3 303.3
1 UCAS data for 1994–1997; UCCA and PCAS data for 1991 to 1993.

accepted applicants to full-time and sandwich undergraduate courses by previous educational Establishment
Previous educational establishment (percentages)
Year of entry Maintained schools and colleges1 Independent Other2 Total Total numbers3
1997 47 45 9 100 3,124
1996 48 44 8 100 2,868
1995 45 45 9 100 3,115
1994 46 46 9 100 3,095
1993 45 45 9 100 3,068
1992 46 44 10 100 3,052
1991 48 47 5 100 3,015

Table 2: Economically active people in GB1 by social class, 1991 Census
Social Class Percentage
I Professional 7
II Intermediate 32
IIIn Skilled non-manual 13
IIIm Skilled manual 30
IV Partly skilled 14
V Unskilled 5
Total 100.0
1Based on 10 per cent, sample, excludes armed forces, those on a government training scheme, those with occupation inadequately described or not stated.

Baroness Blatch

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will publish data for the United Kingdom and for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland separately showing the number and the percentage of home applicants accepted on first degree courses at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge together, at all other universities and at all universities from comprehensive schools, grammar schools, modern schools, independent schools, sixth form colleges, other further education funding council or further education schools and colleges, all state institutions and all institutions in each year from 1960 to 1997 showing data separately for men, women and all students. [HL1226]

Baroness Blackstone

The available information for the years 1986 to 1997 is given in the following table. The data for Oxford and Cambridge are taken from figures published by the Admissions Offices of these universities. The data for all establishments are taken from publications issued by UCAS and its predecessor organisations; not all students enter through these services. Data are not available for each country separately, or for men and women separately for all the years in the table. The data collected by Oxford do not separately identify students from FE and HE colleges (they are included under maintained or independent as appropriate), so the data for Cambridge and all establishments have been presented using the same categories as used by Oxford.

For the years prior to 1986, UCCA did not collect these data in every year or for all students, and there are no data available for establishments covered by PCAS; data for Oxford and Cambridge are available in the Oxford Gazette and the Cambridge University Reporter for the years back to 1970.

accepted applicants to full-time and sandwich undergraduate courses by previous educational Establishment
Previous educational establishment (percentages)
Year of entry Maintained schools and colleges1 Independent Other2 Total Total numbers3
1990 44 44 11 100 3,117
1989 47 43 11 100 3,013
1988 43 45 12 100 2,933
1987 41 47 13 100 3,020
1986 39 50 12 100 3,129
1997 42 49 9 100 3,219
1996 44 47 9 100 3,397
1995 43 46 11 100 3,231
1994 43 46 11 100 3,276
1993 44 47 10 100 3,157
1992 43 49 9 100 3,184
1991 42 48 10 100 3,189
1990 45 48 7 100 3,110
1989 46 46 8 100 3,164
1988 45 48 8 100 3,226
1987 46 46 8 100 3,070
1986 47 45 8 100 2,940
All UCAS5establishments6
1997 84 12 4 100 252,421
1996 82 13 4 100 228,181
1995 83 13 4 100 224,860
1994 81 14 5 100 214,650
All UCCA7 and PCAS8 establishments9
1993 85 15 n/a 100 167,253
1992 84 16 n/a 100 146,705
1991 83 17 n/a 100 136,248
1990 83 18 n/a 100 123,917
1989 81 19 n/a 100 102,352
1988 80 20 n/a 100 83,329
1987 80 20 n/a 100 77,811
1986 80 20 n/a 100 81,257
1 Including FE and HE establishments.
2 For Oxford and Cambridge includes overseas students.
3 Excluding those for whom previous establishment is not known.
4 Home and overseas students.
5 Universities and Colleges Admissions Service.
6 Home students only.
7 Universities Central Council for Admissions.
8 Polytechnics Central Council for Admissions.
9 Home students in England and Wales only.

n/a = not available. UCCA and PCAS did not distinguish those from whom data was not known from those who were included in the "Other" category.