HL Deb 08 April 1998 vol 588 c145WA
Lord Alderdice

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether it is their policy to encourage the development of new cadet force detachments. [HL1391]

The Minister of State, Ministry of Defence (Lord Gilbert)

In recognising the contribution made by the cadet organisations to both our military and our civilian communities, the Government's policy remains that all requests to establish new Sea Cadet Corps, Army Cadet Force or Air Training Corps units will be met positively. The military authorities have in place effective mechanisms for encouraging and assisting those within the civilian communities who wish to open new units. Similarly, in respect of the Combined Cadet Force, requests from heads to establish contingents within schools, whether in the private, state or independent sectors, will invariably receive the maximum encouragement and support.

Cadet Force strengths at 31 March 1997 were as follows:

Sea Cadet Corps

15,161 cadets in 399 units

Army Cadet Force

39,827 cadets in 1,696 detachments

Air Training Corps

33,000 cadets in 1,006 squadrons

Combined Cadet Force

39,386 cadets in 241 schools

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