HC Deb 07 April 1998 vol 310 cc202-4W
Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list those European Communities budget lines from which funding may be applied for in respect of information projects in the United Kingdom relating to(a) Economic and Monetary Union and (b) the European Communities. [36956]

Mr. Doug Henderson

Title B3–3 of the Community Budget covers information and communication. The Commission also makes grants to certain European organisations under Chapter A-30 of the budget, which may include support for information activities.

Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what grants, pursuant to European Communities budget lines A-3024 and A-3104, are available for Projects Organised By Associations and Federations of European Interest operating in the United Kingdom; which bodies received awards in the last financial year; what activities are intended for targeted support under the category Reflection at European Level on the Ethical and Spiritual Foundations of European Integration; what part his Department plays in the awards; and if he will make a statement. [36948]

Mr. Doug Henderson

In 1998 a total of 1.35 mecu is available under Community budget lines A-3024 and A-3104 for projects organised by federations of European interest. This budget is not broken down by Member State. Criteria and decisions on awarding grants are a matter for the Commission.

Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what activities are undertaken by the Our Europe Association listed in the European Communities budget, lines A-3020 and A-3100; what is that body's remit in the United Kingdom; what role his Department plays in determining its remit; and if he will make a statement. [36888]

Mr. Doug Henderson

The Our Europe association is a study and research group which sponsors and organises seminars on European issues. My Department has no role in determining its remit, which is Europe-wide.

Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, pursuant to European Communities budget lines A-3029 and A-3109, what grants are available for support of non-Governmental youth organisations; what criteria govern qualification; which bodies in the United Kingdom received awards over the last financial year; what input his Department provided on their selection; and if he will make a statement. [36969]

Mr. Doug Henderson

In 1998 a total of 1.1 mecu is available under the Community budget lines A-3029 and A-3109 to support international non-governmental youth organisations. This budget is specifically for international bodies and is not broken down by Member State. Criteria and decisions on awarding grants are a matter for the Commission.

Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, pursuant to European Communities budget lines A-3037 and A-3117, what grants are available for the European Women's Lobby; what is the purpose of that organisation; what role his Department plays in the determination of direction of funding; and if he will make a statement. [36949]

Mr. Doug Henderson

In 1998 a total of 600,000 ecu is available under Community budget lines A-3037 and A-3117 to support the European Women's Lobby, an organisation which lobbies on issues of concern to women in Europe. How this money is directed is a matter for the Commission.

Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, pursuant to European Communities budget lines A-3025 and A-3105, what grants are available for the project Journalists in Europe; what is the purpose of that organisation; what input his Department has into its running; how many journalists from the United Kingdom have taken part over the past financial year; for which newspapers they work; and if he will make a statement. [36970]

Mr. Doug Henderson

In 1998 a total of 250,000 ecu is available under Community budget lines A-3025 and A-3105 to support Journalists in Europe. This organisation runs an annual training programme for young journalists from around the world, focusing on the EU and on political, economic and social developments in Europe. My Department has no role in determining the activities of this organisation and we have no information about which UK journalists have taken part.

Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the purpose of projects undertaken under European Communities budget line B3–302, Information Programmes for Non-Member Programmes; what are the target audiences; which countries are concerned; and what input his Department provides. [36965]

Mr. Doug Henderson

Projects under Community budget line B3–302 are intended to inform people outside of the EU about the Union's work and to promote understanding of the EU's role, in particular, as a provider of aid and as a trading partner. Information activity is not limited to any particular countries, but there is a focus on states which have association agreements with the EU. Programmes under this budget line are run by the Commission.

Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what grants, pursuant to European Communities budget lines A-3021 and A-3101, are available to Organisations Advancing the Idea of Europe operating in the United Kingdom; which bodies received awards in the last financial year; and what criteria are used by his Department in awarding grants. [36974]

Mr. Doug Henderson

In 1998 a total of 2 mecu is available under Community budget lines A-3021 and A-3101 to support organisations advancing the idea of Europe. This budget is not broken down by Member State. Criteria and decisions on awarding grants are a matter for the Commission.

Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the information outlets in receipt of funds in the United Kingdom for 1997 under European Communities title B3–301 for 1997; what role his Department plays in the supply of information to such outlets; and if he will make a statement on the purpose of the International Federation of Europe Houses. [36961]

Mr. Doug Henderson

The following information outlets in the UK receive funding from Community budget line B3–301. European Document centres in university libraries (45); European Information Centres providing business intelligence on operating in the EU (21); rural carrefours providing information for the rural community (6). The information held in these various centres generally includes UK Government publications, as well as EU documents and academic and commercial literature and databases.

The International Federation of Europe Houses is an umbrella grouping of Europe Houses, which provide a one-stop-shop for information about the EU in some countries.

Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the projects in receipt of funds in the United Kingdom for 1997 under title B3–300, General Information and Communication Work Concerning the European Union; and if he will make a statement on the part his Department plays in the determination of such. [36966]

Mr. Doug Henderson

Community budget line B3–300 covers a range of information measures including opinion polling, impact assessments, sponsored visits, publications, TV productions and internet sites. This budget is not broken down by Member State.

Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what activities are undertaken by the European Union Youth Forum under European Communities, Budget lines A-3022 and A-3103; what is that body's remit in the United Kingdom; what role his Department plays in determining its remit; and if he will make a statement. [36940]

Mr. Doug Henderson

The European Youth Forum is an umbrella grouping of national youth organisations. It lobbies on EU issues affecting young people and organises various conferences and events. My Department has no role in determining the Forum's activities.