HC Deb 07 April 1998 vol 310 cc153-4W

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster if he ill make a statement about the pulblic sector benchmarking project [38515]

Dr.David Clark

I am launching today a new phase of the Public Sector Benchmarking Project,designed to help public bodies share best practice more systematically with each other, with the Private sector and,ultimately, with the most successful government bodies in other countries. This Project uses the widely recognised European Business Excellence Model. Self-assessment asgainst the Model Promotes continuous improvement and customer focus,and facilitates benchmarking with the wide variety of other organisations using the Model.

I have placed copies of the evaluation report on the first two years of the project in the Libraries of the House and it is also available on the Cabinet Office Internet site, at www.gtnet.gov.uk/co/cohome.htm. It is clear from the report that participation has brought great benefit to the 100 organisations involved in the project so far, and has enabled comparison particularly with the private sector in a way which was previously impossible. Six organisations involved have already achieved a score of over 450 points against the Model, which is comparable to those achieved by winners of the several regional quality awards. 60 organisations have already expressed interest in participation in this new phase, even before details could be circulated.

The project has so far primarily targeted Next Steps executive agencies and the larger non-departmental public bodies. Experience with a range of other public bodies has demonstrated that the Model can be of equal value in other sectors. The new phase is therefore open to any organisation in the wider public sector, and my officials will be working closely with other departments and representative bodies to encourage uptake of the project, for example among police forces, local government, and the health and education services. We will develop and emphasise the clear links between the Business Excellence Model and agencies' ministerial targets; with other quality schemes used in the public sector, particularly Charter Mark, Investors in People and ISO 9000; and with the White Papers and guidance recently or shortly to be published on Better Government, Best Value, market testing and contracting out in central government, Opening Up Quangos, The New NHS, and Excellence in Schools.

There has been considerable international interest in the project. I am keen to promote this and build on the work already done, so that we can share best practices between national public sectors. My officials will work with their counterparts abroad and in the European Commission to facilitate international comparisons, and with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in its setting up of an International Benchmarking Network for the public sector.