HC Deb 18 November 1997 vol 301 cc169-72W
Dr. Harris

To ask the Secretary of State for Health if increased cost recovery charges for donated blood products will be levied to national health service hospitals and national health service trusts during the financial year 1998–99. [15560]

Mr. Boateng

Blood handling costs for 1998–99 are currently under review.

Dr. Harris

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what plans the National Blood Authority has to introduce tests for anti-malaria antibodies. [15564]

Mr. Boateng

The National Blood Authority is currently piloting malarial antibody screening tests in two centres.

Dr. Harris

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many staff were employed at the National Blood Authority's headquarters at Watford, and what were the centre's operating costs in the last year for which figures are available. [155631

Mr. Boateng

In 1996–97 there were 25 staff at the Watford headquarters. The operating costs were £1.7 million for that year.

Dr. Harris

To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will publish the surveys of blood donors on the sale or disposal of surplus blood products, quoted by the National Blood Authority in their communications. [15585]

Mr. Boateng

[holding answer 11 November 1997]: The latest survey was carried out in 1996, and copies of the report "Blood Donors and Exports" have been placed in the Library.

Dr. Harris

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what was the value of transitional funding provided to the three zones of the National Blood Service in order to facilitate the reorganisation of the English blood services. [15576]

Mr. Boateng

[holding answer 11 November 1997]: The transitional funding to the zones was £3.3 million, £1.1 million per zone.

Dr. Harris

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many working days during 1996–97 and during the first half-year of 1997–98,(a) total blood stocks in England were less than 15,000 units, (b) stocks of group O positive were less than 3,200 units, (c) stocks of group O negative were less than 1,100 units and (d) stocks of group AB positive exceeded 1,200 units. [15581]

Mr. Boateng

[holding answer 11 November 1997]: The information requested is in the table.

1996–97 Number of working days (251) 1997–98 (April—end September) Number of working days (126)
Total stock less than 15,000 49 0
O positive stock less than 3,200 43 1
O negative stock less than 1,100 14 0
AB positive stock more than 1,200 247 125

Dr. Harris

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many red cell units were issued by zone and by year, by the National Blood Service during (i) 1994–95, (ii) 1995–96, (iii) 1996–97 and (iv) the first half-year of 1997–98. [15580]

Mr. Boateng

[holding answer 11 November 1997]: The information requested is in the table:

1994–95 1995–96 1996–97 1997–98 (6 months)
Midlands and South West 577,803 586,425 586,113 303,861
London and South East 782,457 803,411 814,619 422,271
North 756,277 763,656 782,706 403,832
NBS 2,116,537 2,153,492 2,183,438 1,129,964

Dr. Harris

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what are the National Blood Service performance indicators for each zone for the financial year 1996–97 and for the first half-year of 1997–98. [15579]

Mr. Boateng

[holding answer 11 November 1997]: I refer the hon. Member to the reply my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Health gave him on 11 November 1997, Official Report, columns 705–06.

Dr. Harris

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what were the costs of redundancy payments made to National Blood Service personnel since 1 April 1995, in each National Blood Service zone and in each financial year. [15577]

Mr. Boateng

[holding answer 11 November 1997]: The information requested is given in the table.

1995–96 1996–97 1997–98 (April—end September)
London and South East Nil 328 131
Midlands and South West 26 281 152
North 133 505 146
Total 159 1,114 429

Dr. Harris

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what was the total expenditure by the National Blood Authority in (i) 1994–95, (ii) 1995–96 and (iii) 1996–97 and what is the forecast expenditure for 1997–98. [15583]

Mr. Boateng

[holding answer 11 November 1997]: The information requested is as follows:

Year £ million
1994–95 173
1995–96 188
1996–97 202
1997–98 1207
The figures given are for the authority as a whole, and are rounded to the nearest million.

Dr. Harris

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what was the operating surplus or deficit for each zone of the National Blood Service for (i) 1995–96, (ii) 1996–97 and (iii) the first six months of 1997–98. [15584]

Mr. Boateng

[holding answer 11 November 1997]: The information requested is in the table.

1995–96 £ 1996–97 £ April to end September 1997 £
London and South East (301,000) 18,000 88,000
Midlands and South West (730,000) (1,119,000) (766,000)
North (735,000) (301,000) (620,000)


National Blood Authority.

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