HL Deb 13 November 1997 vol 583 cc49-52WA
Viscount Waverley

asked Her Majesty's Government:

With which countries the United Kingdom has no extradition treaty.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Home Office (Lord Williams of Mostyn)

Details of the United Kingdom's extradition arrangements are not available on this basis. Those countries with whom the United Kingdom has extradition arrangements are listed below. The Extradition Act 1989 enables special extradition arrangements to be made with foreign states with whom the United Kingdom has no extradition arrangements. In addition, there are a number of international conventions which allow for the extradition of fugitives between ratifying states for certain serious offences, even in the absence of an extradition arrangement.

Countries with Bilateral Extradition Treaties with the United Kingdom (with date of entry into force)

1. Albania: 1927

2. Argentina: 1894, 1980

3. Belgium: 1902, 1907, 1911, 1924, 1928, 1975

4. Bolivia: 1898

5. Brazil: 1997

6. Chile: 1898

7. Colombia: 1889

8. Cuba: 1905

9. Ecuador: 1886

10. Guatemala: 1886

11. Haiti: 1876

12. Iraq: 1933

13. Liberia: 1894

14. Mexico: 1889

15. Monaco: 1892

16. Nicaragua: 1906

17. Panama: 1907

18. Paraguay: 1911

19. Peru: 1907

20. Rumania: 1894

21. Salvador: 1882

22. San Marino: 1900

23. Thailand: 1911

24. Uruguay: 1885, 1891

25. United States of America: 1976, 1986

26. Yugoslavia: 1901

Commonwealth Countries which have been designated by Order in Council under Section 5(1) of the Extradition Act 1989

1. Antigua and Barbuda

2. Australia

3. The Bahamas

4. Bangladesh

5. Barbados

6. Belize

7. Botswana

8. Brunei

9. Canada

10. Dominica

11. Fiji

12. The Gambia

13. Ghana

14. Grenada

15. Guyana

16. India

17. Jamaica

18. Kenya

19. Kiribati

20. Lesotho

21. Malawi

22. Malaysia

23. Maldives

24. Mauritius

25. Nauru

26. New Zealand

27. Nigeria

28. Papua New Guinea

29. St. Kitts and Nevis

30. St. Lucia

31. St. Vincent and the Grenadines

32. South Africa

33. Seychelles

34. Sierra Leone

35. Singapore

36. Solomon Islands

37. Sri Lanaka

38. Swaziland

39. Tonga

40. Tanzania

41. Trinidad and Tobago

42. Tuvalu

43. Uganda

44. Vanuatu

45. Western Samoa

46. Zimbabwe

47. Zambia

Colonies and Dependent Territories to whom the Extradition Act 1989 applies

1. Anguilla

2. Bermuda

3. Cayman Islands

4. Cook Islands

5. Falkland Islands

6. Gibraltar

7. Montserrat

8. New Hebrides

9. Pitcairn Islands

10. St. Helena

11. Turks and Caicos Islands

12. Virgin Islands.

The Extradition Act 1989 also applies to:

1. Channel Islands

2. Isle of Man

Parties to the European Convention on Extradition of 1957 which are designated by Order in Council under Section 4(1) of the Extradition Act 1989

1. Austria

2. Bulgaria

3. Croatia

4. Cyprus

5. Czech Republic

6. Denmark

7. Finland

8. France

9. Germany

10. Greece

11. Hungary

12. Iceland

13. Israel

14. Italy

15. Liechtenstein

16. Lithuania

17. Luxembourg

18. Malta

19. The Netherlands

20. Norway

21. Poland

22. Portugal

23. Slovakia

24. Slovenia

25. Spain

26. Sweden

27. Switzerland

28. Turkey

Other arrangements

1. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: Extradition arrangements with the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region are under the Extradition Act 1989 as amended by the Hong Kong (Extradition Order) 1997.

2. Republic of Ireland: Extradition arrangements with the Republic of Ireland are under the Backing of Warrants (Republic of Ireland) Act 1965.