HC Deb 06 November 1997 vol 300 cc311-6W
Mr. Hancock

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) when the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency became operational; what targets have been set for it; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13656]

(2) when the Queen Victoria School became operational as a defence agency; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13336]

(3) when the Service Children's Education became operational as a defence agency; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13376]

(4) when the Defence Postal and Courier Service became operational; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13340]

(5) what evaluation of the Defence Secondary Care Agency there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13652]

(6) when the RAF Signals Engineering Establishment became operational as a defence agency; what targets it has been set; what evaluations of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13332]

(7) when the Defence Transport and Movements Executive became operational; what targets have been set for it; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13658]

(8) what targets have been set for the Defence Vetting Agency; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement;[13338]

(9) what evaluation of the Medical Supplies Agency there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13650]

(10) when the Naval Aircraft Repair Organisation became operational; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13653]

(11) what evaluation he has made of the Defence Analytical Services Agency; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13163]

(12) when the RAF Personnel Management Agency became operational; what targets have been set for it; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13333]

(13) when the (a) Army Base Storage and Distribution Agency, (b) Army Individual Training Organisation, (c) Armed Forces Personnel Administration Agency, (d) Army Base Repair Organisation, (e) Army Personnel Centre and (f) Army Technical Support Authority became operational; what targets have been set for each; what evaluation of each body's work has taken place; when he expects further reviews to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13167]

(14) when the Navel Bases and Supplies Agency became operational; what targets have been set for it; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13659]

(15) when the Defence Intelligence and Security Centre became operational; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13339]

(16) what evaluation of the Disposal Sales Agency there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13651]

(17) what evaluation of the Defence Bills Agency his Department has made; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13164]

(18) when the Defence Clothing and Textile Agency became operational; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13378]

(19) what evaluation of the Ships Support Agency there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13330]

(20) when the Defence Animal Centre became operational; what evaluation of its work his Department has made; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13165]

(21) when the RAF Training Group Defence Agency became operational; what targets have been set for it; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13331]

(22) when the Military Survey Defence Agency became operational; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement;[13654]

(23) when the Logistic Information Systems Agency became operational; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement. [13655]

(24) when the RAF Logistics Support Services became operational as a defence agency; what targets have been set for it; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13335]

(25) when the RAF Maintenance Group Defence Agency became operational; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation of it to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13334]

(26) when the (a) Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre, (b) Duke of York Royal Military School and (c) Hydrographic Office of the Royal Navy became operational as defence agencies; what evaluation he has made of their work; when he expects further reviews to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13168]

(27) what evaluation of the Defence Dental Agency there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13375]

(28) when the Defence Estates Organisation became operational; what targets have been set for it; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13657]

(29) pursuant to his answer to the hon. Member for Newcastle under Lyme (Mrs. Golding) of 10 July, Official Report, columns 527–28, what evaluation of the Defence Medical Training Organisation there has been; and when he expects further evaluation to take place; [13661]

(30) when the Pay and Personnel Agency became operational; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement;[13337]

(31) when the Naval Recruiting and Training Agency became operational; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement. [13515]

(32) when the Naval Manning Agency became operational; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement; [13649]

(33) what targets have been set for the Defence Codification Agency; what evaluation of it there has been; when he expects further evaluation to take place; and if he will make a statement. [13377]

Mr. Spellar

The information requested is given in the table; although the hon. Gentleman's questions related to only 40 agencies and trading funds, the information is provided in respect of all 43 of the Department's Agencies and Trading funds, for the sake of clarity and completeness.

Agency Date of launch Date of evaluation1 Key targets2 published in Official Report
(a) Last (b) Date
(b) Next due (b) Column
Armed Forces 1 April 1997 (b) 2002 (a) 20 February 1997
Personnel (b) 720
Army Base 1 April 1993 (a) Ongoing (a) 10 February 1997
Repair (b) 7
Army Base 4 April 1995 (b) 2000 3
Storage and
Army Training 1 July 19974 (b) 2002 (a) 1 July 1997
and Recruiting (b) 71
Army Personnel 2 December (b) 2001 (a) 18 March 1997
Centre 1996 (b) 505
Army Technical 16 October (b) 2000 (a) 18 March 1997
Support Agency 1995 (b) 506
Defence Animal 1 July 1993 (a) Ongoing (a) 31 July 1997
Centre (b)463
Defence 1 July 1992 (a) Ongoing (a) 1 July 1997
Analytical (b)72/73
Services Agency
Defence Bills 1 January 1996 (b) 1999 (a) 31 July 1997
Agency (b) 440
Defence 17 June 1996 (b) 1999 3
Defence Clothing 22 November (b) 1999 (a) 31 July 1997
and Textiles 1994 (b) 464
Defence Dental 1 March 1996 (b) 2001 (a) 10 July 1997
Agency (b) 529
Defence Estate 17 March 1997 (b) 2002 (a) 18 March 1997
Organisation (b) 514
Defence 4 April 19955 (b) 2000 3
Evaluation and
Research Agency
Defence 1 October 1996 (b) 2001 (a) 31 July 1997
Intelligence and (b) 462
Security Centre
Defence Vetting 1 April 1997 (b) 2002 (a) 20 March 1997
Agency (b) 857
Defence Postal 1 July 1992 (a) Ongoing (a) 3 July 1997
and Courier (b) 257–258
Service Agency
Agency Date of launch Date of evaluation1 Key targets2 published in Official Report
(a) Last (a) Date
(b) Next due (b) Column
Defence 30 April 1996 (b)2001 (a) 10 July 1997
Secondary Care (b) 529
Defence 4 April 1995 (b) 2000 (a) 10 July 1997
Transport and (b) 529
Disposal Sales 3 October 1994 (b)1999 (a) 30 July 1997
Agency (b) 353
Duke of York's 1 April 1992 (a) Ongoing (a) 30 July 1997
Royal Military (b)353
Hydrographic 1 April 19965 (b) 2001 3
Joint Air 19 April 1996 (b) 2001 (a) 31 July 1997
Reconnaissance (b) 464
Logistic 21 November 1994 (b) 1999 (a) 31 July 1997
Information 1994 (b) 257
Systems Agency
Logistic Support 9 December 1996 (b) 2001 (a) 9 December 1997
Services 1996 (b) 17–18
Medical Supplies 29 February 1996 (b) 2001 (a) 10 July 1997
Agency 1996 (b) 528
Defence Medical 1 April 1997 (b) 2001 (a) 10 July 1997
Training (b) 527
Meteorological 1 April 19965 (b) 2001 (a) 19 June 1997
Office (b) 256
Military Survey 2 April 1991 (a) Ongoing (a) 31 July 1997
(b) 463
Ministry of 1 April 1996 (b) 2001 (a) 27 October 1997
Defence Police (b) 662
Naval Aircraft 1 April 1992 (a) 1996 (a) 22 July 1997
Repair (b) 1999 (b)528–529
Naval Bases and 11 December 1996 (b) 2002 (a) 28 October 1997
Supply Agency 1996 (b) 792–793
Naval Manning 1 July 1996 (b) 2001 (a) 30 July 1997
Agency (b) 354
Naval Recruiting 1 April 1995 (b) 2000 (a) 30 July 1997
and Training (b) 355
Pay and 1 February 1996 (b) 2001 (a) 23 June 1997
Personnel 1996 (b)354
Queen Victoria 1 April 1992 (a) Ongoing (a) 30 July 1997
School (b) 465
RAF 2 April 1991 (a) 1996 (a) 31 July 1997
Maintenance (b) 2001 (b)465
RAF Personnel 1 February 1997 (b) 2002 (a) 30 July 1997
Management (b) 1997 (b) 351
RAF Signals 22 November 1994 (b) 1999 3
Engineering 1994
Agency Date of launch Date of evaluation1 Key targets2 published in Official Report
(a) Last (a) Date
(b) Next due (b) column
RAF Training 1 April 1994 (b) 1999 (a) 20 March 1997
Group (b) 859
Service 1 April 1996 (b) 2001 (a) 30 July 1997
Children's (b) 354
Ships Support 11 December 1996 (b) 2001 (a) 30 July 1997
Agency 1996 (b) 354
Specialist 1 June 1997 (b)2002 (a) 3 June 1997
Procurement (b)122
1Evaluation is taken to mean the periodic review of the Agency, which involves a performance evaluation, the re-visiting of the Prior Options process, and the re-issue of the Framework Document. Initial Policy was this should take place at not more than 3 year intervals, but this was later extended to 5 years, with some specified exceptions. As the process takes a period of some months, only the year in which the review is expected to take place is given. Where the first review is described as "ongoing" the second review would normally be expected to take place 5 years after the re-issue of the Framework Document.
2 The Date and column at which the Key Targets for FY1997–98 were published in the Official Report. For the sake of clarity and completeness this information has been included for all the Department's Agencies, although the hon. Member's questions did not ask this in all cases.
3 The 1997–98 Key Targets for these five Agencies have not yet been published in the Official Report.
4 Formerly Army Individual Training Organisation.
5 Date of Launch as a Trading Fund; all were previously Agencies.

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