HL Deb 04 November 1997 vol 582 cc285-8WA
Lord Merlyn-Rees

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will list the forthcoming business in the Council of the European Union for November, and list major European Union events for the next six months.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean):

Monthly forecast of business for November 1997

The following Councils are scheduled:

Date Location Council
3 Brussels Consumer Council
5 Brussels Ecofin Council
10 Brussels Research Council
10 Brussels General Affairs Council
13 Brussels Industry Council
17–18 Brussels Agriculture Council
19 Brussels Fisheries Council (tbc)
20 Brussels Education Council
24 Brussels Culture Council
Date Location Council
24–25 Brussels General Affairs Council
27 Brussels Budget Council
27 Brussels Internal Market Council
28 Brussels Development Council

The following subjects are likely to be discussed:

November 3: Consumer Council

  • Adoption of the Agenda.
  • Approval of the list of A items.
  • Consumer Guarantees: General debate on Article 1–4, and possible political agreement.
  • Green Paper on Food Safety: open debate.
  • European Home and Leisure Accident Surveyance System (EHLASS): possible debate.
  • Consumer confidence in Financial Services: Commission presentation.
  • Proposed Directive to amend Product Liability Directive: Commission presentation.
  • Other Business.

November 5: Ecofin Council

  • Approval of the Agenda.
  • Approval of the list of A items.
  • Employment guidelines.
  • Other elements relevant for the extraordinary European Council meeting on employment (possible item).
  • Other business.

November 6: Social Affairs Council

  • Preparation for the European Council on Employment: 21 November.

November 10: Research Council

  • Adoption of the agenda.
  • Approval of the list of A Items (possible item).
  • Fifth Research Technology Development (RTD) Framework.
  • Programme: Discussion to identify Policy guidelines: Criteria.
  • Scientific and Technological objectives and content.
  • General objectives and Thematic Programmes.
  • Horizontal theme: International co-operation.
  • Horizonal theme: Innovation and Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs).
  • Horizontal theme: Improving human research potential and the Knowledge Base.
  • Structure.
  • Arrangements for financial participation.
  • Fifth Framework Programme of the European Atomic Energy Committee (EAEC) for research and training activities: Policy debate.
  • Nuclear Fusion.
  • Controlled Thermo-nuclear Fusion.
  • WA 287
  • Implementation and Management of Research Programmes.
  • Proposal for a Council decision concerning the rules for participation and governing the dissemination of research results (possible item): presentation by the Commission.
  • Working document on the specific programmes in the Fifth Framework Programme (possible item): Presentation by the Commission.
  • Signature of the Scientific and Technological co-operation agreement with the United States (possible item).
  • Other business: Eureka: Communication by the Portuguese delegation.

November 10: General Affairs Council

  • A Points.
  • EP Resolutions.
  • EU/ACP Relations: Orientation Debate.
  • Agenda 2000.
  • Post Amsterdam: Reports of Secretary General on: Planning Cell.
  • Integration of Schengen Secretariat.
  • Preparation of Special European Council on Employment.
  • OCT Mid-term Review.
  • Albania.
  • Turkey.
  • Middle East Peace Process.
  • Former Yugoslavia.
  • Any Other Business.

November 13: Industry Council

  • Approval of agenda.
  • Approval of the list of A Points.
  • The Steel Industry: 8th Monitoring Report on aid to the Steel Industry: presentation by the Commission; Commission Communication on Financial Activities and the Expiry of the European Coal Steel Community (ECSC) Treaty: presentation by the Commission.
  • Ship Building: Commission Communication towards a new ship building policy; Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing new rules on ship building: presentation by the Commission.
  • State Aid: Proposal for a Council Regulation concerning the application of Articles 92 and 93 of the EC Treaty to certain categories of horizontal state aid (the "block exemption" regulation): orientation debate.
  • Competitiveness: Presidency Note on the Future Competitiveness Work Programme "Research and Development" as a factor of competitiveness employment, to be taken over lunch with discussion based on a list of questions to be presented to Coreper on 5 November. The focus of the debate will be competitiveness not the Fifth Framework Programme.
  • WA 288
  • Communication by the Commission: The European aerospace industry meeting the global challenge: Presentation by the Commission.
  • The Information Society: Action Plan for the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Industries; Presentation by the Commission.
  • Communication by the Commission: A European Initiative in Electronic Commerce: Draft Council Conclusions.
  • SMEs: Commission Recommendation of 22 April 1997 on improving and simplifying the environment for business start-ups. Communication by the Commission: European Capital Markets SMEs: prospects and potential obstacles to progress; Presentation by the Commission.

November 17–18: Agriculture Council

  • Agenda not yet available.

November 19: Fisheries Council (TBC)

  • Agenda not yet available.

November 20: Education Council

  • Agenda not yet available.

November 24: Culture Council

  • Agenda not yet available.

November 24–25: General Affairs Council

  • Agenda not yet available.

November 27: Budget Council

  • Agenda not yet available.

November 27: Internal Market Council

  • Agenda not yet available.

November 28: Development Council

  • Agenda not yet available.