HC Deb 22 May 1997 vol 294 cc113-4W
Mr. Bayley

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence on what date the Army plans to close its civilian manning and records office at Imphal barracks, York; how many square feet of office space this closure will release; and what are his plans for its future use. [600]

Dr. Reid

This is a matter for the Chief Executive of the Army Personnel Centre. I have asked the Chief Executive to write to the hon. Member.

Letter from David Burden to Mr. Hugh Bayley, dated 22 May 1997: I am replying to your Question to the Secretary of State for Defence about the closure of the Manning and Records Offices and Regimental Pay Offices at Imphal Barracks, York in so far as it applies to the Army Personnel Centre as this matter falls within my area of responsibility as Chief Executive of that Agency. Although the latter elements of your Question are outwith my area of responsibility, I have been asked to provide a consolidated response. I should explain that the functions of the Royal Artillery Manning and Records Office, the Footguards and Infantry Manning and Records Office, and the associated Army Regimental Pay Offices, currently located within Imphal Barracks, York, will transfer to the Army Personnel Centre (APC) in Glasgow on 16 June 1997. These offices currently occupy approximately 44514 ft2 (4137m2) of Building 107, Imphal Barracks, York. As the Manning and Records, and Regimental Pay Offices are lodger units on the site, when this part of the building is vacated due to the transfer of the functions to the APC, HQ Land Command as the Top Level Budget Holder responsible for maintaining and managing the barracks, will be the prime executive authority who will endorse any decision on the future occupants of the office space made available. HQ Land Command act as the focal point for the submission of any departmental restructuring and relocation initiatives, entering into formal correspondence and consultation with interested parties through the normal chains of command. Although any plans for the future use of the accommodation are outwith my area of responsibility, I am informed that a site reshuffle of local branches is intended and that the office space will be reallocated to other MOD users, including Headquarters 15 (North East) Brigade, and elements of Headquarters 2 Division which, by January 1998, will together occupy the majority of the vacated accommodation. I understand that no firm decision has yet been taken regarding the remainder of the vacated office space. I hope this is helpful.

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