- Patient Episodes 99 words c170W
- Psychiatric and Geriatric Care 64 words c170W
- Multiple Sclerosis 85 words cc170-1W
- NHS Beds 152 words c171W
- Civil Service (Ethnic Minorities) 102 words c171W
- E. Coli and Listeria 153 words c171W
- Treatment Costs 59 words c172W
- Health Visitor Service (Cambridge and Huntingdon) 100 words c172W
- Cancelled Operations 114 words c172W
- Mobile Telephone Transmitter Towers 171 words c173W
- Cancer 68 words c173W
- Mixed-sex Wards 121 words c173W
- General Practitioner Fundholding 52 words c173W
- Private Health Insurance 91 words cc173-5W
- Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine 1,017 words c175W
- Long-term Care for the Elderly 64 words c176W
- Private Finance Initiative 259 words c176W
- Breast Screening 66 words c176W
- Dentistry (Shrewsbury) 54 words c176W
- GP Fundholding 54 words c177W
- Lactose (Babies) 74 words c177W
- Tobacco Advertising 219 words cc177-8W
- Dental Services (Lancashire) 230 words c178W
- Centre for Applied Microbiology and Research 94 words c178W
- NHS Trusts 43 words c178W
- Waiting Lists 171 words cc179-80W
- NHS Repair and Maintenance 398 words c180W
- HIV and AIDS 174 words