- North Essex Health Authority 85 words c54W
- Barnet General Hospital 38 words c54W
- Dartford Hospital 103 words c54W
- GP Fundholding 58 words cc54-5W
- NHS Resource Allocations 52 words c55W
- New Hospital Provision (South Worcestershire) 52 words c55W
- Waiting Lists 181 words cc55-6W
- Public Health 179 words c56W
- NHS Pay 34 words c56W
- NHS Spending 37 words c56W
- Purchasing Authorities and Providers 75 words c56W
- Oldchurch Hospital, Romford 40 words c56W
- NHS Staff (Redundancies) 53 words cc56-7W
- Assisted Conception 184 words c57W
- New Hospital (Peterborough) 62 words c57W
- Hospital Trust Decisions (Review) 60 words c57W
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease 115 words cc57-8W
- Long-term Care 65 words c58W
- Private Finance Initiative 216 words c58W
- Accident and Emergency Services (North London) 69 words cc58-9W
- Arnold Lodge Secure Unit, Leicester 305 words c59W
- Mental Health Secure Units 52 words c59W
- Psychiatric and Geriatric Care 80 words c59W
- Dental Access Fund 20 words cc59-61W
- NHS Trusts (London) 604 words c61W
- Children (Employment) 40 words c61W
- Health Authority Funding 80 words cc61-2W
- Camden and Islington Health Authority 270 words