HC Deb 21 March 1997 vol 292 cc993-5W
Dr. Wright

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) which of the advisory non-departmental public bodies sponsored by his Department(a) have a statutory base,(b) publish their advice to government, (c) publish an annual report and (d) lay an annual report before Parliament; and if he will indicate in each instance whether this is under a statutory requirement; [21723]

(2) which of the advisory non-departmental public bodies sponsored by his Department (a) hold public meetings, (b) conduct public consultation exercises,(c) conduct consultation exercises with outside commercial interests, (d) publish a register of members' interests, (e) publish agendas for meetings and (f) publish the minutes of meetings; and whether in each case this is under a statutory requirement; [21698]

(3) if he will list those of his Department's advisory non-departmental public bodies which the Government are required to (a) consult prior to legislative proposals and (b) publish their response to advice from; [21746]

(4) if he will list the executive non-departmental public bodies sponsored by his Department which are subject to(a) investigation by the Parliamentary Commissioner,(b) scrutiny by the Audit Commission, (c) scrutiny by the National Audit Office, (d) statutory provisions for open government, (e) performance indicators and (f) provisions under the citizen's charter; [21451]

(5) which of the national health service bodies sponsored by his Department publish (a) annual reports, (b) annual accounts, (c) the minutes of meetings, (d) the agendas of meetings and (e) a register of members' interests; and if this is in each case under a statutory requirement; [21432]

(6) which of the advisory non-departmental public bodies sponsored by the Scottish Courts Administration (a) have a statutory base, (b) publish their advice to government, (c) publish an annual report and (d) lay an annual report before Parliament; and if he will indicate in each instance whether this is under a statutory requirement; [21713]

(7) which of the advisory non-departmental public bodies sponsored by the Scottish Courts Administration (a) hold public meetings, (b) conduct public consultation exercises, (c) conduct consultation exercises with outside commercial interests, (d) publish a register of members' interests, (e) publish agendas for meetings and (f) publish the minutes of meetings; and whether in each case this is under a statutory requirement; [21707]

(8) which of the advisory non-departmental public bodies sponsored by the Scottish Courts Administration have a statutory base; [21755]

(9) if he will list those of the Scottish Court Administration's advisory non-departmental public bodies which the Government are required to (a) consult prior to legislative proposals and (b) publish their response to advice from. [21747]

Mr. Michael Forsyth

I shall write to the hon. Member and arrange for a copy of the letter to be placed in the House Library.

Dr. Wright

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will list the national health service bodies sponsored by his Department which are subject to(a) investigation by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration,(b) scrutiny by the Audit Commission, (c) scrutiny by the National Audit Office, (d) statutory provisions for open government, (e) performance indicators and (f) provisions under the citizens charter. [21756]

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

National health service bodies in Scotland are subject to investigation by the Health Service Commissioner (Ombudsman), and scrutiny by both the Accounts Commission and the National Audit Office.

The principles of open government are incorporated in the code of practice on openness in NHS in Scotland to which all national health service bodies must have regard. The principles of the citizens charter apply to national health service bodies and have been incorporated into the patients charter.

The Scottish health service management executive monitors the performance of all national health service bodies in Scotland.

Dr. Wright

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland which of the national health service bodies sponsored by his Department have a statutory base; and if he will list those bodies which(a) admit members of the public to all board or committee meetings and (b) hold open meetings for the public; and whether in each case this is under a statutory requirement. [21759]

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

All national health service bodies in Scotland have a statutory basis. Health boards and special health boards are statutorily required to admit members of the public to their meetings, unless by resolution they exclude the public to all or part of their meetings for a specific reason, for example, security considerations. NHS trusts are statutorily required to hold an annual public meeting and many trusts voluntarily admit the public to their board meetings. The Mental Welfare Commission, the Common Services Agency and the National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting for Scotland are not required to hold any board meetings to which the public is admitted.

Persons with a charge proved where the main crime was a sexual offence against a child aged under 16, Scotland 1990–1994
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
Lewd and libidinous practices 172 160 154 159 182
Unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under 13 9 2 7 8 3
Unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under 16 97 91 57 53 67
Causing or encouraging seduction, prostitution etc. of a girl under 16 1
Taking or making indecent photographs or pseudo-photographs of children 1 5 2