HL Deb 21 March 1997 vol 579 c127WA
Lord Dilhorne

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How they plan to take forward the action plan on meat hygiene which was referred to in the statement repeated by Lord Lucas on 12 March (cols. 327–330).

Lord Lucas

The Meat Hygiene Service will be instructed to work to the performance targets which are set out in my reply earlier today to the honourable Member for Worcester (Mr. Luff). In working to these targets the Meat Hygiene Service will be giving effect to the comprehensive programme of action which my right honourable friend the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food announced on 12 March. Once this range of measures has been implemented, we would anticipate repeating, if possible before April 1998, the thorough audit of hygiene standards in each individual plant which was carried out in 1995–96. For this campaign on hygiene standards to succeed, it will be essential for the industry to give full co-operation both collectively, through the Industry Forum of the Meat Hygiene Service and the Government/Industry Group instituted by my honourable friend the Parliamentary Secretary, and in day-to-day operations in individual plants.