HC Deb 10 March 1997 vol 292 cc91-3W
Ms Harman

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many couples where the claimant is (i) 50 to 54, (ii) 55 to 59 and (iii) 60 to 64 years received jobseeker's allowance of(a) £10, (b) £10.01–£20, (c) £ 20.01–£30, (d) £ 30.01 to £40, (e) £ 40.01–£50, (f) £ 50.01–£60 and (g) £ 60.01–£70 per week in the latest year for which figures are available; and what was the range of jobseeker's allowance payments to each of these age groups; [19248]

(2) how many couples where the claimant is (a) 50 to 54, (b)55 to 59 and (c)60 to 64 years have their income-related jobseeker's allowance reduced because of income from other sources, indicating what those other sources are; [19250]

(3) how many couples where the claimant is (a) 50 to 54, (b) 55 to 59 and (c) 60 to 64 years are in receipt of income related jobseeker's allowance. [19245]

Mr. Roger Evans

Information on jobseeker's allowance is not yet available. Provisional summary findings from the November 1996 quarterly statistical enquiry will be published on 20 March 1997 and more detailed analyses will be published in the summer. The information will be placed in the Library and I will write to the hon. Member.

Ms Harman

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many men aged(a) 50 to 54, (b) 55 to 59 and (c) 60 to 64 years are in receipt of (i) contributory-based jobseeker's allowance, (ii) income-related jobseeker's allowance, (iii) incapacity benefits, (iv) housing benefit and (v) council tax benefit. [19251]

Mr. Evans

The information on jobseeker's allowance is not yet available. Provisional summary findings from the November 1996 quarterly statistical enquiry will be published on 20 March and more detailed analyses will be published in the summer. The information will be placed in the Library and I will write to the hon. Member. Such information as is available is set out in the tables.

Incapacity benefit recipients (May 1995 and August 1996)
Incapacity benefit Severe disablement allowance
31 May 1995
Aged 50–54 252 36
Aged 55–59 354 39
Aged 60–64 385 24
31 August 1996
Aged 50–54 258 40
Aged 55–59 354 43
Aged 60–64 378 26


1. Provisional jobseeker's allowance findings will include estimates of claimants by type of allowance in payment, age, sex and duration of current claim. The detailed analyses will include information on partners and dependants, amounts of Jobseeker's Allowance and other benefits and income.

2. Figures have been rounded to the nearest thousand.

3. Sample size 5 per cent.

4. Sample excludes a small number of cases not held on the system.


Pensions Strategy Computer System (Incapacity).

Number of housing benefit/council tax benefit recipients by age and sex for Great Britain as at May 1995
Aged 50 to 54 Aged 55 to 59 Aged 60 to 64
Housing benefit
Men also in receipt of income support 87 85 103
All recipients without income support 70 89 97
Council tax benefit
Men also in receipt of income support 101 104 138
All recipients without income support 91 117 140


1. Figures refer to benefit units which may be a single person or a couple.

2. Figures have been rounded to the nearest thousand.

3. Age breakdown is based on the age of the claimant.

4. It is not possible to identify all men in receipt of housing benefit or council tax benefit. For those also in receipt of income support men can be identified and figures for these recipients have been shown. For those not also in receipt of income support men cannot be separately identified and therefore figures for all recipients have been given.

Housing benefit management information system, annual 1 per cent. sample enquiries for recipients with and without income support taken at the end of May 1995.

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