HL Deb 31 July 1997 vol 582 cc84-5WA
Lord Vivian

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How many people by rank or grade are employed in the Defence Secondary Care Agency central office in London and what are the total annual costs of the agency central office broken down into:

  1. (a) salaries, allowances and NI contributions;
  2. (b) all office costs and charges;
  3. (c) rent.

Lord Gilbert

The numbers of military and civilian personnel at the Defence Secondary Care Agency (DSCA) Headquarters in London from August 1997 will be as follows:

Service Personnel
Brigadier 1
Group Captain 2
Colonel 1
Surg Commander 1
Commander 1
Lt Commander 1
Major 1
Sqn Ldr 1
Staff Sgt 1
Total 10

Civilian Staff
Grade 3 1
Grade 5 2
Grade 7 5.5 (reducing to 5 during FY 1997–98)
SEO level 6
HEO level 10 (increasing up to 11 during FY 1997–98)
EO level 9
AO 11 (reducing to 8 during FY 1997–98)
AA 2 (increasing to 4 during FY 1997–98)
PS 4
Total 50.5
The estimated staff and office costs for FY 1997–98 are as follows:
Staff Costs £ million
Salaries 1.43
ERNIC 0.13
Superannuation 0.27
Allowances 0.03
Total 1.86
Office Costs 0.41
Rent and utilities are not paid, as the agency occupies part of the Civil Estate.