HL Deb 29 July 1997 vol 582 cc25-6WA
Lord Braine of Wheatley

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is the reason for the closure of the Blackwall Tunnel at weekends; and when they expect the tunnel to operate normally; and

What steps they are taking to reduce traffic congestion as a result of the closure of the Blackwall Tunnel at weekends.

Baroness Hayman

I have asked the Chief Executive of the Highways Agency, Mr. Lawrie Haynes, to write to the noble Lord.

Letter to Lord Braine of Wheatley from the Chief Executive of the Highways Agency, Mr. L. Haynes, dated 29 July 1997.

The Minister for Roads has asked me to reply to your recent Questions about the weekend closure of the A 102 Blackwall Tunnel.

The closure of the northbound Blackwall Tunnel was necessary to enable demolition and finishing work to be carried out as part of the construction of a new escape ramp for over-height vehicles.

At present, despite advance warning signs and other preventive measures, over-height vehicles still attempt to enter the tunnel. These vehicles then have to reverse out up to 300 metres, a manoeuvre which not only causes severe delay and disruption to other road users, but is also potentially dangerous. The escape ramp will therefore benefit all road users and will allow the removal of vehicles quickly and safely and ease congestion. I enclose a copy of a press notice which announced the closures and the works.

To minimise disruption, the works were planned for overnight and weekend periods when traffic was at its lightest. This coming weekend (25–27 July) will be the last weekend closure, but there will be further nightly closures of the northbound tunnel from Sunday 27 July to Thursday 31 July, between the hours of 8.00 pm and 05.00 am. The closures from Sunday night to Wednesday night will be for work associated with the construction of the escape ramp, the other closures are for routine maintenance of the tunnel.

To help reduce congestion when the tunnel has been closed, traffic has been diverted via the southbound tunnel in a contraflow system with a single line operating in each direction. We have also put up signs either side of the tunnel to warn motorists of the closures and works. However, despite the measures, I regret that delays have occurred during the daytime weekend closures, although the traffic conditions have been closely monitored.

Finally, you might like to know that, as part of an ongoing biannual maintenance programme, the southbound tunnel will be closed at night over three consecutive weekend periods, starting on Friday 26 September.