HC Deb 21 July 1997 vol 298 cc404-6W
Mr. Leigh

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department if he will list those organisations which are funded by his Department to(a) promote marriage, (b) carry out marriage counselling, (c) provide mediation services and (d) carry out research into the causes of marital breakdown, giving the total funding in each case and indicating which projects are pilot projects under the Family Law Act 1996. [8786]

Mr. Hoon

The tables show my Department's provision of core funding, pilot funding and research funding by way of grant in aid in the current financial year to marriage support and research organisations.

All projects for the provision of publicly funded mediation services under the Act are the responsibility of the Legal Aid Board. The overall funding commitment is not yet settled as schedules of payment are currently being negotiated with 37 mediation services and solicitors' practices.

Funding for marriage support and research organisations—1997–98 financial year
1. RELATE 1,898,620.00
2. One Plus One 167,000.00
3. Tavistock Marital Studies Institute (TMSI) 375,435.00
4. Jewish Marriage Council 16,912.60
5. Marriage Care 263,770.00
6. Family Welfare Association 23,458.25
Funding for marriage support pilot and research projects 1997–98 financial year
Name Project Grant £
RELATE Helpline 58,250.00
One Plus One Marital support to couples with children 55,570.00
TMSI Psychotherapy at GPs' surgeries 10,550.00
Marriage Care Helpline, drop-in counselling, marriage preparation 67,214.00
Family Welfare Association Marriage support for Asian communities, helpline 72,550.00
Marriage Resource National Marriage Week 1998, media campaign 126,900.00
Marriage Resource (Glossop & District) Marriage preparation 11,228.00
African Caribbean Family Mediation Service (Brixton) and London Marriage Guidance Helpline, and drop-in counselling service 89,190.00
The Light House (Christian Care Ministry) Marriage support 29,580.00
One Plus One Research project—Review papers to provide resource base for policy development 79,150.00
All Souls College Oxford Research project—Models of marriage 42,751.00
Total 642,933

Mr. Leigh

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department if he will list the proposed commencement dates of each section of the Family Law Act 1996; and if he will make a statement. [8787]

Mr. Hoon

Sections 65 and 67 came into force on the passing of the Act.

On 21 March 1997, the following provisions came into force:

  1. (a) part I (principles of Part II and III);
  2. (b) section 22 (marriage support services);
  3. (c) part III (legal aid for mediation in family matters);
  4. (d) section 66(1) (minor and consequential amendments) so far as it relates to part II of schedule 8; and
  5. (e) section 66(3) (repeals) so far as it relates to the entry in schedule 10 in respect of the Legal Aid Act 1988(b).

With the exception of section 60, part IV will commence on 1 October 1997.

There is not yet a proposed commencement date for the remainder of parts II, IV and V.