HC Deb 21 July 1997 vol 298 cc424-6W
Mrs. Ann Cryer

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions if he will list the members of staff seconded to the construction sponsorship directorate from the construction industry, indicating their employers; and if he will place in the Library a copy of their business plans for(a) 1996–97, (b) 1997–98 and (c) 1998–99. [8459]

Mr. Raynsford

There are two inward secondments from the construction industry to the construction sponsorship directorate.

Dr. Mark Mawhinney of Tarmac International Ltd. has been seconded to fill an administrative grade 7 post in the construction export promotion and materials sponsorshipCEPMS—division and heads a team of four people responsible for the promotion of export opportunities in Europe, the former Soviet Union and the Americas. The secondment began in June 1996 and will end in October this year. Activities include commissioning market information, organising seminars, arranging programmes for inward visitors, planning and briefing of ministerially led trade missions overseas and managing export-related research projects. Dr. Mawhinney's team also provides the secretariat for the export action group for building materials, which is an advisory non-departmental public body set up to boost export activity in the building materials sector.

Work Plan:

1. To plan and implement the branch's trade mission programme.


Supervise the briefing for the 1997 trade missions and ensure that the accompanying companies receive maximum measurable benefit.

2. To build up a knowledge of the work of other Government Departments, specifically those with construction interests and to encourage further co-operation across Departments.


Participate in cross-Department briefings on export issues and, in addition to routine work, aim to work jointly with other Departments on a new project by September 1997.

3. To assist exporters with awareness and generation of proposals for partners in technology—PIT—and sector challenge schemes and to manage robustly the assessment and implementation of nominated projects.


Publicise the results of completed projects, actively manage projects, actively seek proposals for the programmes, co-ordinate assessment of proposals to ensure consistent, quality approval process, contribute to generation of proposals in 1997 PIT and sector challenge schemes.

4. To work on presentation or press opportunities allowing greater publicity for the export support activities of CEPMS division.


To make presentations on 10 occasions at export promotion events by October 1997. To develop better links with the press and to produce one article which is published in the trade press by October 1997. To continue to use "Construction Monitor" to publicise activities and outputs.

5. To develop new ideas which will reflect changes in construction exports and allow greater effectiveness in export promotion and which will enhance the skills base of CEPMS staff.


Promote training of staff to develop their knowledge of the industry and of the requirements for career development, conduct open door policy to encourage communication on all issues, involve staff in the management of the consultancies.

6. To understand and make full use of the Internet to tap information on markets and business opportunities.


To produce a plan for a database by June 1997 and implement.

Dr. Les Parrott is seconded from the British Cement Association to work with the Department on a two days per week basis. His secondment is for one year and is due to end in August 1997. Dr. Parrott's remit is to produce a cross-sectoral analysis of the environmental issues relevant to the use of materials in all aspects of the construction process and to assist the directorate in the application of this information to the development of the construction research programme.

Work Plan:

  1. 1. To identify and prioritise cross-sectoral—concrete, steel, timber, masonry and insulation, for example—environmental issues relevant to construction materials and to analyse these with respect to the Department's policy concerns: climate change, resource depletion, waste, air quality, water and soil pollution.
  2. 2. To identify key current UK and international research initiatives relevant to environmental impacts of construction materials; to liaise with the environment business plan manager in the construction innovation and research management division to identify future departmental research needs.
  3. 3. To liaise with industry to identify opportunities for specific material sectors to take initiatives to minimise adverse environmental effects.