HC Deb 07 July 1997 vol 297 cc322-3W
Mr. Hill

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department how many litigants who have(a) applied for and (b) been granted a refund of court fees paid between 15 January and 13 March were in receipt of (i) income support, (ii) income-related jobseeker's allowance. (iii) family credit, (iv) disability working allowance and (v) housing benefit. [6232]

Mr. Hoon

The question concerns a matter which has been assigned to the Court Service under the terms of its framework document. I have therefore asked the Chief Executive to write to the hon. Member.

Letter front Michael Huebner to Mr. Keith Hill, dated 7 July 1997: The Parliamentary Secretary of the Lord Chancellor's Department has asked me to reply to your Question about the number of litigants who have applied for and been granted refunds in respect of court fees. Details of refunds of court fees to litigants in person are not held centrally in the terms requested, and could only be provided at a disproportionate cost. However, information is collected on the total number of refunds and the total money refunded and is available for March, April and May. During these months 7,821 refunds were granted. The total sum refunded was £242,816.90.