HC Deb 02 July 1997 vol 297 c177W
Mr. Jack

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, pursuant to H.M. Treasury press release 60/97 of 4 June 1997, what specific measures are required to complete the single market; and which of these the Government supports. [3359]

Mrs. Liddell

The Commission presented an "Action Plan for the Single Market" to the European Council in Amsterdam, describing in detail the steps it regards as necessary to complete the single market. A copy of the text has been placed in the House Library. The Government welcomes the Commission's initiative in bringing forward this plan and supports in particular its strategic targets for improving transposition and enforcement of existing rules, ensuring that competition policy is effective, simplifying legislation and reducing the level of state aids. Taking significant steps towards the completion of the single market will be a top priority for the British presidency of the European Union in the first half of 1998.