Lord Lucasasked Her Majesty's Government:
On what research findings they base their belief that banning tobacco advertising will reduce smoking.
Baronesss JayThere is a significant body of research connecting tobacco advertising with children's smoking, both in predisposing children to start smoking and reinforcing the habit in those who have already started. Studies have repeatedly shown that children who smoke choose the brands that are most heavily advertised. There is also evidence that adult consumption is affected by advertising. The 1992 Smee report on the effect of tobacco advertising on consumption found that in individual countries the balance of evidence shows that advertising does have a positive effect on consumption. A copy of this report is in the Library.
Lord Lucasasked Her Majesty's Government:
What research they intend to carry out to monitor the effects of banning tobacco advertising.
§ Baroness JayTrends in smoking prevalence will continue to be monitored by surveys such as the General Household Survey, the Health Survey for England and the Survey of Smoking Among Secondary Schoolchildren. Tobacco consumption information will be obtained from Customs and Excise figures.