§ Mr. SimpsonTo ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will list the joint working groups at present operating as part of(a) the 1958 mutual defence agreement for co-operation on the uses of atomic energy for defence purposes, (b) the Polaris sales agreement and (c) the Trident sales agreement. [12372]
§ Mr. ArbuthnotJoint working groups continue to be the focal points for technical exchanges under the 1958 mutual defence agreement. Subject areas are as follows:
- Radiation simulation and kinetic effects technology
- Energetic materials
- Test monitoring
- Nuclear materials
- Warhead electrical components and technologies
- Non-nuclear materials
- Nuclear counter-terrorism technology
- Facilities
- Nuclear weapons engineering
- Nuclear warhead physics
- Computational technology
- Aircraft, missile and space system hardening
- Laboratory plasma physics
- Manufacturing practices
- Nuclear weapon accident response technology
29- Nuclear weapon code development
- Nuclear weapon environment and damage effects.
Separate arrangements exist for exchanges under the Polaris sales agreement, as amended for Trident. The working groups concerned are the Trident working party group, the joint steering tasks group, the Trident joint re-entry systems working group and the joint systems performance and assessment group. I am withholding information related to the detailed activities of these groups under exemption 1 of the code of practice on access to Government information relating to defence, security and international affairs.
§ Mr. SimpsonTo ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make a statement on relations between the United States and the United Kingdom Governments in respect of implementation of the 1958 mutual defence agreement for co-operation on the uses of atomic energy for defence purposes since the agreement was last amended. [12125]
§ Mr. ArbuthnotOur arrangements with the United States under the 1958 agreement for co-operation on the uses of atomic energy for defence purposes continue to contribute to our mutual defence and security.