HL Deb 23 January 1997 vol 577 cc66-7WA
The Earl of Sandwich

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How many asylum seekers held in immigration detention centres during the past two years have been on full hunger strike for more than three days continuously, for what periods of time, and with what results.

18 Baroness Blatch

Central records of immigration detainees refusing food or fluids do not distinguish between those who have applied for asylum and others, and this information could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.

The available information for the past two complete years is given below:

Number of persons refusing food Duration of refusal under 20 days Duration of refusal 20-40 days Duration of refusal 40-55 days
55 30 21 4

Removed from the United Kingdom:

Granted temporary admission/release:

Granted bail:

Resumed eating voluntarily:

Number of persons refusing food Duration of refusal under 20 days Duration of refusal 20–40 days Duration of refusal 40–55 days
42 34 7 1

Removed from the United Kingdom:

Granted temporary admission/release:

Granted bail:

Resumed eating voluntarily:

A number of immigration detainees in the Detainee Centre, Rochester Prison, have been refusing food since 6th January 1997. The total fluctuates daily but on the evening of 19th January 31 detainees refused food.