§ Rev. Ian PaisleyTo ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how much money Northern Ireland has received in each financial year to date from the European agricultural guidance and guarantee fund guidance section; what proportion of these receipts were paid to the(a) private and (b) public sector; and what proportion of these receipts (i) represented a cash addition to the Northern Ireland economy and (ii) was used to offset Government expenditure on Northern Ireland in each year for which figures are available. [10831]
§ Mr. Ancram[holding answer 13 January 1997]: Receipts earned by the private sector and by non-central Government public sector bodies are paid in full to the claimant. These receipts are cash additions to the claimants. Receipts earned by central Government contribute to the total of public expenditure in Northern Ireland and allow that total to be maintained at a higher level than would otherwise be feasible.
Northern Ireland contributes a share of the United Kingdom's payments to the European Community, but these are not hypothecated to specific funds. It is not possible therefore to identify the extent to which receipts from the European agricultural guidance and guarantee fund represent net cash additions to the Northern Ireland economy.
All EAGGF receipts are subject to EC audit arrangements and normal Government accounting requirements.