HC Deb 06 February 1997 vol 289 cc667-73W
Mr. Alex Carlile

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will make a statement on the levels of revenue and capital settlements for Welsh police forces for 1997–98 and the levels requested by those police forces. [14133]

Mr. Maclean

The settlement for police revenue expenditure means that Welsh police authorities can increase their budgets by 3.8 per cent. in 1997–98. The four Welsh police authorities asked for a 6 per cent. increase in resources in 1997–98.

Provision for major capital building projects in 1997–98 has been maintained at current price levels. In addition, the four Welsh police authorities received a total of £5.119 million for general capital needs against a total bid of £20.29 million.

Mr. Carlile

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will make a statement on the application of additional rule 1 to each Welsh police force for the revenue and capital settlements for(a) 1997–98 and (b) future years. [14137]

Mr. Maclean

We introduced additional rule 1 to ensure that each police authority and the receiver for the Metropolitan police could benefit in 1997–98 from revenue funding which represents an increase of 2 per cent. or more on the equivalent figure for 1996–97. Funding for the purposes of this comparison comprises

Grants paid to police authorities in 1995–96
Police authority Police grant (Home Office)1 Capital grant (Home Office) Revenue support grant and SSA reduction grant (DOE-Welsh Office) Other grants (Home Office-DOE Welsh Office)2 Total
Avon and Somerset 73,080,634 5,373,000 25,649,177 48,875 104,151,686
Bedfordshire 27,538,879 1,237,000 9,727,865 110,627 38,614,371
Cambridgeshire 31,136,129 812,000 8,878,200 221,704 41,048,033
Cheshire 46,286,157 1,154,000 14,036,380 704,088 62,180,625
City of London3 26,753,210 505,000 0 160,029 27,418,239
Cleveland 35,134,959 888,000 18,148,135 840,792 55,011,886
Cumbria 26,869,743 702,000 11,212,865 367,772 39,152,380

police grant, excluding the funding under additional rule 2 for new officers in 1997–98, standard spending assessment, and any SSA reduction grant—damping grant—payable.

The sums received by Welsh forces under this rule will be as follows:

Dyfed Powys 1,176,462
Gwent 1,124,792
North Wales 774,225
South Wales 2,556,399

No decision has been taken on the future of this rule. We will look at the need for additional rules in the light of circumstances at the time.

This rule does not apply to capital allocations.

Mr. Michael

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list for each police force area in England and Wales(a) the total police revenue grant from his Department, (b) the total capital grant from his Department, (c) the total revenue grant from the Department of the Environment-Welsh Office, (d) other grants to police authorities from central funds and (e) the total of all capital and revenue grants from central funds for each of the years 1995–96,1996–97 and 1997–98. [13948]

Mr. Maclean

[holding answer 3 February 1997]: The information requested is set out in the tables.

Grants paid to police authorities in 1995–96
Police authority Police grant (Home Office)1 Capital grant (Home Office) Revenue support grant and SSA reduction grant (DOE-Welsh Office) Other grants (Home Office-DOE Welsh Office)2 Total
Derbyshire 43,763,201 1,998,000 13,707,329 153,246 59,621,776
Devon and Cornwall 72,710,706 2,262,000 21,645,854 49,175 96,667,735
Dorset 30,950,898 797,000 7,687,176 345,290 39,780,364
Durham 33,683,229 853,000 15,391,733 57,668 49,985,630
Dyfed Powys 22,839,951 606,000 6,999,042 250,953 30,695,946
Essex 72,744,989 3,895,000 22,235,736 271,660 99,147,385
Gloucestershire 27,919,401 1,136,000 9,589,381 262,057 38,906,839
Greater Manchester 162,401,953 5,312,000 83,171,947 1,242,264 252,128,164
Gwent 24,476,607 1,736,000 10,412,816 277,283 36,902,706
Hampshire 83,989,820 2,524,000 25,705,785 504,261 112,723,866
Hertfordshire 43,244,815 1,079,000 12,987,569 154,762 57,466,146
Humberside 48,701,807 1,350,000 21,486,696 48,875 71,587,378
Kent 78,591,413 3,481,000 26,076,259 240,592 108,389,264
Lancashire 77,102,214 2,557,000 32,642,435 785,497 113,087,146
Leicestershire 44,419,616 2,837,000 16,029,301 492,127 63,778,044
Lincolnshire 27,459,730 1,589,000 9,935,864 96,715 39,081,309
Merseyside 106,672,413 3,787,000 63,284,420 541,354 174,285,187
Metropolitan Police 827,595,814 33,723,000 534,157,543 2,892,812 1,398,369,169
Norfolk 35,376,168 988,000 10,116,366 274,732 46,755,266
North Wales 32,701,794 1,235,000 10,745,908 303,959 44,986,661
North Yorkshire 33,100,745 1,180,000 8,464,029 552,745 43,297,519
Northamptonshire 27,592,869 890,000 8,762,352 435,617 37,680,838
Northumbria 88,858,912 6,016,000 45,409,494 1,049,031 141,333,437
Nottinghamshire 54,493,281 2,681,000 22,981,647 657,161 80,813,089
South Wales 75,959,258 4,289,000 34,062,749 472,205 114,783,212
South Yorkshire 73,046,395 2,840,000 33,725,079 1,194,855 110,806,329
Staffordshire 50,200,542 1,821,000 17,069,992 507,988 69,599,522
Suffolk 29,042,990 732,000 7,700,528 71,370 37,546,888
Surrey 40,052,299 2,546,000 15,765,901 0 58,364,200
Sussex 72,343,209 3,886,000 21,550,494 57,500 97,837,203
Thames Valley 95,749,532 3,425,000 26,019,169 1,688,106 126,881,807
Warwickshire 23,595,032 971,000 7,152,767 581,686 32,300,485
West Mercia 48,154,173 1,893,000 12,196,758 101,749 62,345,680
West Midlands 163,211,148 6,118,000 83,166,173 794,248 253,289,569
West Yorkshire 123,524,528 4,449,000 59,932,243 1,279,725 189,185,496
Wiltshire 29,074,837 1,441,000 9,494,769 33,423 40,044,029
Grant not allocated 0 0 0 0 0
Total 3,192,146,000 129,594,000 1,455,115,926 21,176,578 4,798,032,504
1 Excludes balances paid in respect of 1994–95 accounts.
2 Includes (i) loan charges grant paid on pre-1990 debt, (ii) grant paid under section 48 of the Police Act 1996, (iii) grant for special constabulary.
3 No separately identifiable figures for RSCJ and SSA reduction grant are available for the City of London police.
Grants paid to police authorities in 1996–97
Police authority Police grant (Home Office)1 Capital grant (Home Office) Revenue support grant and SSA reduction grant (DOE-Welsh Office) Other grants (Home Office-DOE Welsh Office)2 Total
Avon and Somerset 77,278,260 2,351,000 24,825,420 21,350 104,476,030
Bedfordshire 28,811,092 1,167,000 9,086,447 27,728 39,092,267
Cambridgeshire 33,348,537 629,000 8,653,688 91,208 42,722,433
Cheshire 49,500,131 961,000 13,817,656 129,035 64,407,822
City of London3 27,831,884 421,000 0 208,440 28,461,324
Cleveland 36,816,273 740,000 17,802,789 774,115 56,133,177
Cumbria 28,688,560 585,000 11,101,369 162,883 40,537,812
Derbyshire 46,355,758 1,122,000 13,6107,808 19,752 60,605,318
Devon and Cornwall 77,025,454 1,907,000 20,634,598 78,942 99,645,994
Dorset 32,474,611 933,000 6,737,539 1,709,696 41,854,846
Durham 35,827,979 870,000 15,381,561 21,500 52,101,040
Dyfed Powys 24,241,009 477,000 7,429,778 307,793 32,455,580
Essex 76,160,629 4,187,000 20,135,998 55,122 100,538,749
Gloucestershire 29,317,079 1,015,000 9,003,748 109,417 39,445,244
Greater Manchester 171,880,949 4,286,000 83,606,058 1,353,565 261,126,572
Gwent 31,333,758 680,000 12,964,159 147,404 45,125,321
Hampshire 88,068,573 2,911,000 23,657,178 53,667 114,690,418
Hertfordshire 45,304,535 1,375,000 11,715,382 11,200 58,406,117
Humberside 51,746,268 2,067,000 21,349,589 23,540 75,186,397

Grants paid to police authorities in 1996–97
Police authority Police grant (Home Office)1 Capital grant (Home Office) Revenue support grant and SSA reduction grant (DOE-Welsh Office) Other grants (Home Office-DOE Welsh Office)2 Total
Kent 82,321,694 4,083,000 24,496,724 40,033 110,941,451
Lancashire 81,970,295 1,699,000 32,556,986 536,209 116,762,490
Leicestershire 47,395,525 1,982,000 15,848,093 298,503 65,524,121
Lincolnshire 29,232,699 1,465,000 8,587,576 85,197 39,370,472
Merseyside 112,588,958 3,474,000 61,194,380 485,062 177,742,400
Metropolitan Police 846,761,947 27,749,000 518,184,177 6,654,277 1,399,349,401
Norfolk 38,205,064 1,283,000 10,277,139 143,060 49,908,263
North Wales 34,681,073 1,079,000 11,587,532 179,646 47,527,251
North Yorkshire 34,961,340 1,418,000 7,812,964 118,520 44,310,824
Northamptonshire 29,320,943 876,000 8,171,630 339,109 38,707,682
Northumbria 94,046,011 5,110,000 45,764,716 975,777 145,896,504
Nottinghamshire 57,583,603 3,501,000 22,601,592 515,037 84,201,232
South Wales 75,246,910 3,644,000 34,636,449 484,489 114,011,848
South Yorkshire 77,594,905 3,530,000 33,853,144 1,243,927 116,221,976
Staffordshire 54,610,654 1,788,000 17,846,761 358,147 74,603,562
Suffolk 31,033,584 609,000 7,427,617 326,029 39,396,230
Surrey 42,090,281 3,021,000 14,779,111 183,595 60,073,987
Sussex 75,763,690 3,746,000 19,890,251 100,296 99,500,237
Thames Valley 101,658,543 3,485,000 24,654,331 1,972,718 131,770,592
Warwickshire 24,725,312 521,000 6,425,722 218,746 31,890,780
West Mercia 51,605,192 2,036,000 11,721,475 93,074 65,455,741
West Midlands 172,342,961 4,799,000 83,232,731 2,481,626 262,856,318
West Yorkshire 130,447,666 3,918,000 59,421,867 1,393,728 195,181,261
Wiltshire 30,427,811 747,000 8,611,093 19,975 39,805,879
Grant not allocated 0 1,321,000 0 8,693,916 10,014,916
Total 3,348,628,000 115,568,000 1,420,594,826 33,247,053 4,918,037,879
1 Excludes balances paid in respect of 1994–95 accounts,
2 Includes (i) loan charges grant paid on pre-1990 debt, (ii) grant paid under section 48 of the Police Act 1996, (iii) grant for special constabulary, (iv) special grant for policing costs, (v) party conferences grant, (vi) funding for PFI projects.
3 No separately identifiable figures for RSG and SSA reduction grant are available for the City of London police.
Grants paid to police authorities in 1997–98
Police authority Police grant (Home Office)1 Capital grant (Home Office) Revenue support grant and SSA reduction grant (DOE-Welsh Office) Other grants (Home Office-DOE Welsh Office) 2Total
Avon and Somerset 79,564,084 1,794,000 26,381,122 0 107,739,206
Bedfordshire 29,969,661 1,355,000 9,415,697 0 40,740,358
Cambridgeshire 34,517,288 774,000 9,032,494 0 44,323,782
Cheshire 51,102,862 778,000 14,689,247 0 66,570,109
City of London3 27,475,936 341,000 0 170,136 27,987,072
Cleveland 37,523,242 599,000 19,041,952 598,954 57,763,148
Cumbria 30,037,318 473,000 11,231,879 228,990 41,971,187
Derbyshire 48,089,785 1,406,000 14,088,883 5,112 63,589,780
Devon and Cornwall 79,046,941 1,718,000 23,529,124 0 104,294,065
Dorset 33,804,583 543,000 6,901,623 153,663 41,402,869
Durham 36,512,965 558,000 16,567,064 0 53,638,029
Dyfed Powys 25,198,643 386,000 5,508,023 210,706 31,303,372
Essex 79,693,871 1,239,000 20,314,739 0 101,247,610
Gloucestershire 30,371,173 541,000 9,321,971 93,330 40,327,474
Greater Manchester 176,078,065 4,757,000 88,356,401 1,096,301 270,287,767
Gwent 32,424,045 494,000 10,982,551 137,804 44,038,400
Hampshire 90,616,243 1,565,000 25,421,217 0 117,602,460
Hertfordshire 47,465,812 1,044,000 11,625,462 0 60,135,274
Humberside 53,034,050 2,131,000 22,864,464 0 78,029,514
Kent 84,673,351 4,476,000 26,457,523 0 115,606,874
Lancashire 83,767,796 1,305,000 34,976,517 1,315,227 121,364,540
Leicestershire 49,336,277 853,000 16,342,418 309,664 66,841,359
Lincolnshire 30,788,473 847,000 9,380,484 63,646 41,079,603
Merseyside 113,660,328 3,941,000 65,837,494 435,363 183,874,185
Metropolitan Police 900,344,546 24,774,000 499,893,847 6,721,767 1,431,734,160
Norfolk 39,052,823 1,912,000 11,367,572 118,111 52,450,506
North Wales 35,695,797 614,000 9,273,362 157,757 45,740,916
North Yorkshire 35,797,195 1,803,000 9,024,354 168,425 46,792,974
Northamptonshire 30,218,410 1,236,000 8,736,405 354,858 40,545,673
Northumbria 95,656,644 4,851,000 49,645,025 978,563 151,131,232
Nottinghamshire 59,069,950 2,633,000 25,314,182 460,259 87,477,391

Grants paid to police authorities in 1997–98
Police authority Police grant (Home Office)1 Capital grant (Home Office) Revenue support grant and SSA reduction grant (DOE-Welsh Office) Other grants (Home Office-DOE Welsh Office) 2Total
South Wales 77,732,137 3,110,000 30,387,732 430,156 111,660,025
South Yorkshire 79,345,830 2,840,000 36,413,286 1,175,550 119,774,666
Staffordshire 57,200,041 2,372,000 18,117,561 342,775 78,032,377
Suffolk 31,859,276 493,000 8,077,778 355,763 40,785,817
Surrey 44,807,788 2,054,000 15,509,294 15,076 62,386,158
Sussex 78,415,319 2,696,000 20,743,211 750,000 102,604,530
Thames Valley 104,631,315 3,175,000 26,153,355 260,933 134,220,603
Warwickshire 25,725,130 408,000 6,623,835 425,926 33,182,891
West Mercia 53,417,326 2,274,000 12,358,675 68,850 68,118,851
West Midlands 175,339,329 4,049,000 90,002,510 1,473,900 270,864,739
West Yorkshire 132,526,320 3,080,000 64,158,479 1,671,270 201,436,069
Wiltshire 31,042,893 883,000 9,390,340 0 41,316,233
Grant not allocated 0 5,508,000 0 4,052,000 9,560,000
Total 3,472,630,861 104,683,000 1,449,459,152 24,800,835 5,051,573,848
1 Excludes balances paid in respect of 1994–95 accounts.
2 Includes (i) loan charges grant paid on pre-1900 debt, (ii) grant paid under section 48 of the Police Act 1996, (iii) special grant for policing costs, (iv) party conferences grant, (v) payments to police authorities in respect of implications of the Firearms (Amendment) Bill.
2 No separately identifiable figures for RSG and SSA reduction grant are available for the City of London police.