HC Deb 22 December 1997 vol 303 cc444-51W
Mr. Vaz

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will publish the names of all those people whom he has appointed to public bodies since 1 May, indicating the positions to which they have been appointed, and whether they receive remuneration. [19966]

Mr. Dewar

[holding answer 11 December 1997]: The information is set out in the following table.

Appointments since 1 May 1997
Body Appointee Position Whether remunerated (Yes or No)
Scottish Homes Professor Duncan Maclennan Member Yes
Professor John Rankin Small CBE Member Yes
Ms P. Ann D. Clark Member Yes
Scottish Hospital Endowments Research Trust Mr. Simon Miller Member No
Scottish Legal Aid Board Margaret Scanlan Member Yes
Scottish Sports Council Mr. David Arnott Member No
Mrs. Evlyn Raistrick Member No
Mr. John Colquhoun Member No
Mr. Louise Martin Member No
Scottish Tourist Board Mrs. Madeline MacPhail Member Yes
Advisory NDPBs
Ancient Monuments Board for Scotland Professor Christopher Morris Member No
Mr. Bruce Mackie Member No
Children's Panel Advisory Committees Mr. David M. Carmichael Member No
Mr. James Inch Member No
Historic Buildings Council for Scotland Dr. John Frew Member No
Ms Fiona Sinclair Member No
Mrs. Pamela Robertson Member No
Local Government Boundary Commission Dr. Elspeth Graham Member Yes
Police Advisory Board For Scotland Mrs. Patricia Hayden Member No
Mrs. Margaret Esslemont member No
Scottish Crime Prevention Council Mr. Gordon Ferrie Member No
Scottish Economic Council Mr. Andrew Dewar-Durie Member No
Mrs. Margaret Ford Member No
Mr. Bill A. Furness Member No
Mr. Gus MacDonald Member No
Mr. Yoshikaza Niwa Member No
Mr. Mike R. J. Pacitti Member No
Mr. Mike D. Ross Member No
Mr. Ian M. Russell Member No
Scottish Police College Board of Governors Mr. Ian Snedden Member No
Scottish Standing Committee for the Calculation of Residual Values of Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Mr. Gavin B. Hill MemberNo
Scottish Studentship Selection Committee Professor D. Harding Chairman Yes
Professor R. Bauckham Member Yes
Professor S. Frith Member Yes
Professor S. Smith Member Yes
Professor B. Murdoch Member Yes
Professor A. Millar Member Yes
Professor T. Devine Member Yes
Professor W. Gordon Member Yes
Professor R. Jack Member Yes
Professor C. Britton Member Yes
Scottish Valuation and Rating Council Mr. Duncan Chisholm Member No
Mr. Thomas Scholes Member No
Nationalised Industries
Caledonian MacBrayne Ltd. Captain John Simkins Managing Director Yes
Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd. Mr. Robert MacLeod Managing Director Yes

Appointments since 1 May 1997
Body Appointee Position Whether remunerated (Yes or No)
Public Corporations
East of Scotland Water Authority Councillor Robert Cairns Chairman Yes
Robin Bell Member Yes
David Bleiman Member Yes
John Broadfoot Member Yes
Councillor Jeanette Burness Member Yes
Councillor Thomas Dair Member Yes
Councillor Ann Dickson Member Yes
North of Scotland Water Authority Councillor Colin Rennie Chairman Yes
Councillor Joan Easten Member Yes
Nigel Hawkins Member Yes
Andrew Lewis Member Yes
Nicholas McAndrew Member Yes
West of Scotland Water Authority Norman Berry Member Yes
Councillor Gerald Carroll Member Yes
David Gray Member Yes
Jane McKay Member Yes
Councillor David Munn Member Yes
NHS Bodies
Aberdeen Royal Hospitals NHS Trust Dr. Valerie Maehle Non Executive Director Yes
Angus NHS Trust Major John Ingram Chairman Yes
Mrs. Freda Robertson Non Executive Director Yes
Borders General Hospital NHS Trust Mr. Anthony Taylor Non Executive Director Yes
Dr. Anthony Watson Non Executive Director Yes
Mr. Graham Garvie Non Executive Director Yes
Central Scotland Healthcare NHS Trust Mr. John Rafferty Chairman Yes
Dumfries and Galloway Community Services NHS Trust Professor Rex Taylor Chairman Yes
Dr. Robert Grieve Non Executive Director Yes
Mr. Alexander Scott Non Executive Director Yes
Dumfries and Galloway Acute and Maternity Services Mrs. Hilary Grieve Chairman Yes
NHS Trust Miss Murray Ritchie Non Executive Director Yes
Mr. William Wilson Non Executive Director Yes
Dundee Healthcare NHS Trust Mr. John Burrowes Non Executive Director Yes
Mrs. Agnes Smith Non Executive Director Yes
Professor Bernard King Non Executive Director Yes
East and Midlothian NHS Trust Mr. Nicholas Parker Non Executive Director Yes
Mrs. Jane Garden Non Executive Director Yes
Mr. Robin Burley Non Executive Director Yes
Edinburgh Healthcare NHS Trust Mr. Barry Sealey CBE Chairman Yes
Edinburgh Sick Children's Hospital NHS Trust Mr. Graeme Millar Chairman Yes
Falkirk and District Royal Infirmary NHS Trust Mr. Ian Mullen Chairman Yes
Mr. Campbell Christie Non Executive Director Yes
Rev. John Jenkinson Non Executive Director Yes
Fife Healthcare NHS Trust Dr. James Gallagher Non Executive Director Yes
Mrs. Annie McGovern Non Executive Director Yes
Glasgow Royal Infirmary NHS Trust Mr. Andrew Robertson OBE Chairman Yes
Mrs. Susan Baird Non Executive Director Yes
Greater Glasgow Community and Mental Health Services Mr. Ian Laidlaw Chairman Yes
NHS Trust Professor Jean McIntosh Non Executive Director Yes
Mr. Charles Scott Non Executive Director Yes
Hairmyres and Stonehouse Hospitals NHS Trust Dr. David Campbell Chairman Yes
Mr. Eric Howie Non Executive Director Yes
Mr. Jim O'Donnell Non Executive Director Yes
Appointments since 1 May 1997
Body Appointee Position Whether remunerated (Yes or No)
Highland Communities NHS Trust Mrs. Barbara Bruce Non Executive Director Yes
Inverclyde Royal Hospitals NHS Trust Mr. Allan Robertson Chairman Yes
Lanarkshire Healthcare NHS Trust Mr. Robert Thomson Chairman Yes
Mr. John Devine Non Executive Director Yes
Law Hospital NHS Trust Mr. John Dunbar Chairman Yes
Mrs. Ann Lumsden Non Executive Director Yes
Miss Mary Wootton Non Executive Director Yes
Mrs. Susan Aitchison Non Executive Director Yes
Monklands and Bellshill NHS Trust Mrs. Charlotte Henderson Non Executive Director Yes
Perth and Kinross Healthcare NHS Trust Mr. John Mathieson OBE Chairman Yes
Mrs. Christina Grant Non Executive Director Yes
Mr. John Rae Non Executive Director Yes
Mrs. Lena Graham Non Executive Director Yes
Queen Margaret Hospital, Dunfermline NHS Trust Mr. David Stobie Chairman Yes
Mr. Frederick Marks OBE Non Executive Director Yes
Mrs. Sandra Martin Non Executive Director Yes
Renfrewshire Healthcare NHS Trust Mr. Donald Urquhart Chairman Yes
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh NHS Trust Mr. Garth Morrison CBE Chairman Yes
Mrs Angela Dobbie Non Executive Director Yes
Scottish Ambulance Service Mr. Owen Clarke CBE Chairman Yes
South Ayrshire Hospitals NHS Trust Professor Gordon Wilson Chairman Yes
Southern General Hospital NHS Trust Mr. Frank Baillie Non Executive Director Yes
Stirling Royal Infirmary NHS Trust Mrs. Anne Walker Non Executive Director Yes
Stobhill NHS Trust Mr. Alexander Gaston Chairman Yes
Ms Linda Haase Non Executive Director Yes
West Lothian NHS Trust Mr. Peter Johnston Non Executive Director Yes
Western General Hospital NHS Trust Mr. Michael Walker Chairman Yes
Mr. Henry Fairweather Non Executive Director Yes
Mr. William Stewart Non Executive Director Yes
West Glasgow Hospital University NHS Trust Mr. Ronnie Cleland Chairman Yes
Mr. Ian Irvine Non Executive Director Yes
Mr. Mike Graham Non Executive Director Yes
Lady Ann Calman Non Executive Director Yes
Professor Stan Kaye Non Executive Director Yes
Yorkhill NHS Trust Professor Forrester Cockburn Chairman Yes
Argyll and Clyde Health Board Councillor Owen Taylor Non Executive Member Yes
Ayrshire and Arran Health Board Dr. John Morrow Chairman Yes
Borders Health Board Mr. David Kilshaw Chairman Yes
Dumfries and Galloway Health Board Mr. John Ross CBE Chairman Yes
Fife Health Board Mrs. Charlotte Stenhouse Chairman Yes
Forth Valley Health Board Mr. Euan Bell-Scott Chairman Yes
Grampian Health Board Mrs. Anne Campbell Non Executive Member Yes
Professor James Petrie Non Executive Member Yes
Mr. Gordon McLellan Non Executive Member Yes
Mrs. Elizabeth Park Non Executive Member Yes
Mrs. Morag Morrell Non Executive Member Yes
Appointments since 1 May 1997
Body Appointee Position Whether remunerated (Yes or No)
Greater Glasgow Health Board Professor David Hamblen Chairman Yes
Highland Health Board Mrs. Caroline Thomson Chairman Yes
Mrs. Alison Magee Non Executive Member Yes
Lanarkshire Health Board Mr. Ian Livingstone OBE Chairman Yes
Mr. James Robison Non-Executive Member Yes
Mr. Jack Gallacher Non Executive Member Yes
Lothian Health Board Mrs. Margaret Ford Chairman Yes
Mr. John Campbell Non Executive Member Yes
Professor Charles Vaughan Ruckley Non Executive Member Yes
Mr. Brian Cavanagh Non Executive Member Yes
Orkney Health Board Mr. John Leslie Chairman Yes
Shetland Health Board Mr. John Telford Chairman Yes
Dr. Michael Hunter Non Executive Member Yes
Mrs. Christina Johnson Non Executive Member Yes
Mr. Morgan Goodlad Non Executive Member Yes
Tayside Health Board Mrs. Frances Havenga MBE Chairman Yes
Mrs. Vera Joiner Non Executive Member Yes
Mr. Robin Presswood Non Executive Member Yes
Mr. Harry Nicoll Non Executive Member Yes
1. Reappointments have been counted as appointments.
2. The list includes some appointments which have been announced but have not yet taken effect.

Mr. Moore

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will list for each person he has appointed since taking office(a) the office to which he has appointed them, (b) the period of office for which they have each been appointed, (c) their political party allegiance and (d) the date of appointment. [21290]

Mr. Dewar

[holding answer 16 December 1997]: Information on (a), (b) and (d) is available in the latest edition of the Scottish Office publication "Appointments to Executive Non-Departmental Public Bodies and NHS Bodies", a copy of which is in the Library. Details of appointments will also appear on The Scottish Office website on the Internet (http://www.scotland.gov.uk) from January 1998.

Information on political party allegiance is not collected centrally.