HL Deb 17 December 1997 vol 584 cc93-4WA
Lord Stoddart of Swindon

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether, in the light of the statement by Lord Sewel in Aberdeen on 21 November that the common fisheries policy gives the United Kingdom access to lucrative European markets when otherwise our fish exports would be subject to price tariffs, they will state what evidence they have that the European Community would impose tariffs on British fish exports if the United Kingdom withdrew from the common fisheries policy; and whether the imposition of such tariffs would be legal.

Lord Sewel

As a member of the European Community, the United Kingdom participates in a common fisheries policy. The common fisheries policy establishes a single market in fisheries products which ensures freedom of movement of goods within the Community. Under Community law, tariffs are set on goods entering the single market from non-member states.