HL Deb 11 December 1997 vol 584 cc42-3WA
The Countess of Mar

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When they expect to publish the draft statutory instrument to implement their recent decision to restrict the retail sale of vitamin B6 supplements; what plans they have to consult interested parties about the draft; and whether that consultation will include the opportunity to review the decision to introduce the new restriction as well as the way in which the restrictions will be enforced.

Lord Donoughue

The regulations required to implement the proposed controls on vitamin B6 in dietary supplements are in the process of being drafted and are likely to be issued for consultation at the end of December or early in the New Year. Those consulted will include organisations representing interests likely to be substantially effected by the regulations. No decision has yet been taken on the exact scope of the consultation exercise but it will extend to matters other than the way in which the restrictions will be enforced.