HL Deb 28 November 1996 vol 576 c17WA
The Earl of Northesk

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When they will respond to the recommendations of the joint study group report which examined Scottish Natural Heritage.

The Earl of Lindsay

The report of the joint study group which examined Scottish Natural Heritage made a number of recommendations relating to its remit and operation. The most significant of these was that a revised statement of aims and objectives should be prepared for SNH and this statement,Natural Priorities, has been published today. Copies are available in the Library of the House. A number of other recommendations were also made and have been considered. These recommendations concerned with SNH's expenditure commitments and priorities will be taken into account during the Government's annual public expenditure survey. The recommendation that the joint study report should be the starting point for Part 2 of the quinquennial review of SNH in 1997 will be addressed nearer the time of the quinquennial review itself. The remainder of the recommendations have been addressed, either in Natural Priorities itself or within SNH's own recently completed review of decision-making processes and organisational structures.