HC Deb 26 November 1996 vol 286 cc196-7W
Mr. Mans

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what were the net annual and net total savings expected of the defence cost studies carried out by his Department on(a) the Ministry of Defence head office, (b) headquarter-service commands and top-level budget holders, (c) the Ministry of Defence police, (d) research and development, (e) procurement projects and practices, (f) the procurement executive—organisation and functions, (g) the review of market testing and contracting out, (h)financial management, (i) estate-property, (j) repairs-spares-storage and distribution, (k) naval infrastructure, (1) training, (m) recruitment—manning arrangements, (n) medical, (o) non-operational information systems strategies and expenditure, (p) security, (q) defence intelligence, (r) Royal Air Force management structure and manning, (s) Army management structure and manning, (t) Royal Navy management structure and manning, (u) music, (v) animals and vets, (w) catering and messes, (x) chaplaincy services, (y) Ministry of Defence fire services, (z) terminal air traffic control services, (aa) legal services, (bb) travel and subsistence, (cc) cost of regulations, (dd) the Meteorological Office, (ee) radiological protection, policy, advice and audit, (ff) forms and publications and (gg) uniforms, at the time each study was complete; when these savings were expected to commence; what are the actual net annual and total savings so far achieved in each case; and what is the latest estimate of net total savings expected for each of these studies at 1995–96 prices. [5467]

Mr. Soames

The total savings expected of the defence costs study remain as published last year in the MOD's memorandum "Front Line First: a year on": some £720 million in 1996–97 rising to over £;1 billion per annum by the end of the decade.

This estimate reflects decisions taken by Ministers on the recommendations made by the various study teams as subsequently ratified during the first stage of the implementation process. That ratification was not carried out on a study-by-study basis but the budget areas tasked with implementing the decisions taken. This involved breaking out the various study team recommendations, many of which crossed budgetary boundaries, and allocating them to the appropriate budget areas. Initial monitoring of progress was done on this basis too.

The savings information is not, therefore, available in the form requested. Nor since the end of 1995 have the savings been monitored centrally or separately; they have been incorporated into the budgets of the areas concerned who are responsible for ensuring they are achieved.