HC Deb 26 November 1996 vol 286 cc207-20W
Mr. Nigel Evans

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will set out the new rates of benefit proposed from April 1997. [6585]

Mr. Lilley

As usual, the annual uprating of social security benefits will take place in the first full week of the tax year—in 1997 this will be the week beginning 7 April.

I have reviewed social security benefits in accordance with section 150 of the 1992 Administration Act My proposals, which are set out in the schedule, will increase most of the major benefits in line with inflation. The statutory instruments to implement them will be laid before both Houses for debate. My right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland proposes to introduce similar changes for Northern Ireland.

All national insurance benefits will be uprated in line with the annual increase in the retail prices index up to September which this year is 2.1 per cent.

Income-related benefits will generally rise by 2.6 per cent. in line with the ROSSI index—RPI less certain housing costs.

In line with my policy, announced last year, of moving towards an even-handed treatment of one and two-parent families the family premium (lone parent) paid with income-related benefits and child benefit (lone parent) will be unchanged in April 1997.

A schedule of the new benefit rates follows.

Some key points of the 1997 increases are:

Retirement pension

The standard rate of retirement pension will be increased by £1.30 per week for a single person to £62.45 and by £2.05 per week for couples to £99.80.

Incapacity benefit

The basic rate of long term incapacity benefit will rise by £1.30 a week to £62.45.

Income support

The level of income support for a pensioner couple aged over 80 will rise from £112.25 to £115.15.

Jobseeker's allowance

Jobseeker's allowance for a single person aged over 25 will rise from £47.90 a week to £49.15.

Child benefit

Child benefit will again be raised in line with prices. For the first or eldest eligible child the weekly rate will increase from £10.80 to £11.05 and for each subsequent child the rate will rise from £8.80 to £9.00.

War pensions

War pensions will, again be uprated fully in line with prices.

Earnings top-up

Benefit rates for the pilot earnings top-up scheme will be increased by the ROSSI index.

Non-dependent deductions

Increases will be made to deductions and the income thresholds, in income support, jobseeker's allowance, housing benefit and council tax benefit in respect of non-dependent adults living in the claimant's home. Two new bands of deductions will be introduced in housing benefit and council tax benefit for those non-dependents with earnings over £200 per week. Similar bands will be introduced for income support and income-based jobseeker's allowance from April 1998.

Schedule of main proposed social security benefit rates—April 1997
Weekly rates unless otherwise shown Old rates 1996 New rates 1997
Higher rate 48.50 49.50
Lower rate 32.40 33.10
Only, elder or eldest for whom child benefit is payable (couple) 10.80 11.05
Only, elder or eldest for whom child benefit is payable (lone parent) 17.10 17.10
Each subsequent child 8.80 9.00
See note on child dependency increase 11.15 11.20
Personal allowances
18 to 24 37.90 38.90
25 or over 47.90 49.15
Lone parent—18 or over 47.90 49.15
Couple—one or both over 18 75.20 77.15

Schedule of main proposed social security benefit rates— April 1997
Weekly rates unless otherwise shown Old rates 1996 New rates 1997
Dependent children
Birth to September, following 11th birthday 16.45 16.90
From September, following 11th birthday to September, following 16th birthday 24.10 24.75
From September, following 16th birthday to day before 19th birthday 28.85 29.60
Dependent children with protected rates
Age 11 before 1 April 1997 24.10 24.75
Age 16 before 1 April 1997 28.85 29.60
Age 18 before 1 April 1997 37.90 38.90
Family 10.55 10.80
Family (lone parent rate) 22.05 22.05
Single 19.15 19.65
Couple 28.90 29.65
Pensioner (enhanced)
Single 21.30 21.85
Couple 31.90 32.75
Pensioner (higher)
Single 25.90 26.55
Couple 37.05 38.00
Single 20.40 20.95
Couple 29.15 29.90
Severe disability
Single 36.40 37.15
Couple (one qualifies) 36.40 37.15
Couple (both qualify) 72.80 74.30
Disabled child 20.40 20.95
Carer 13.00 13.35
Allowance for personal expenses for claimants in hospital
Higher rate 15.30 15.60
Lower rate 12.25 12.50
Non-dependant deductions
Aged 18 or over and in remunerative work
Gross income: £250 or more 2.60 4.00
Gross income: £200–£249.99 2.60 3.50
Gross income: £116–£199.99 2.60 3.00
Gross income less than £116 1.30 1.50
Others, aged 18 or over 1.30 1.50
Alternative maximum council tax benefit
Second adult on income support or income 25 per cent. of Council Tax
based jobseeker's allowance
Second adult's gross income
Under £116 15 per cent. of Council Tax
£116 to £151.99 7.5 per cent of Council Tax
Upper limit 16,000.00 16,000.00
Amount disregarded 3,000.00 3,000.00
Child's limit 3,000.00 3,000.00
Tariff income
£1 for every complete £250 or part thereof between amount of capital disregarded and capital upper limit
Earnings disregards
Where disabiilty premium awarded 15.00 15.00
Various specified employments 15.00 15.00
Lone parent 25.00 25.00
Where the claimant has a partner 10.00 10.00
Single claimant 5.00 5.00
Where carer premium awarded 15.00 15.00
Childcare charges 60.00 60.00
Other income disregards
Maintenance disregard 15.00 15.00
War disablement pension and war widow's pension 10.00 10.00
Certain voluntary and charitable payments 20.00 20.00
Student loan 10.00 10.00
Student's covenanted income 5.00 5.00
Income from boarders: disregard the fixed amount (£20) plus
50 per cent. of the balance of the charge 20.00 20.00

Schedule of main proposed social security benefit rates—April 1997
Weekly rates unless otherwise shown Old rates 1996 New rates 1997
30-hour adult allowance in disability working allowance 10.30 10.55
30-hour adult credit in family credit 10.30 10.55
Expenses for subtenants
Furnished or unfurnished 4.00 4.00
Where heating is included, additional 9.25 9.25
Adult dependency increases for spouse or person looking after children, with:
Retirement pension on own insurance, long-term incapacity benefit, unemployability supplement 36.60 37.35
Severe disablement allowance 21.95 22.40
Invalid care allowance 21.90 22.35
Short-term incapacity benefit if beneficiary over pension age 35.15 35.90
Maternity allowance/short term incapacity benefit 28.55 29.15
Child dependency increases, with:
Retirement pension, widows benefit, short-term incapacity benefit at the higher rate and long-term incapacity benefit, invalid care allowance, severe disability allowance, higher rate industrial death benefit, unemployability supplement and short-term incapacity benefit if beneficiary over pension age 11.15 11.20
NB—The Overlapping Benefits Regulations provide for the rate of child dependency increases, guardian's allowance and child special allowance to be adjusted where the increase or allowance is payable for the eldest eligible child for whom child benefit is also payable. The weekly rate of the increase or allowance is reduced by the differential (less the 75p derived from the October 1991 increase in child benefits between the relevant rate of child benefit payable for the oldest eligible child and that payable for a subsequent child.
Care component
Highest 48.50 49.50
Middle 32.40 33.10
Lowest 12.90 13.15
Mobility component
Higher 33.90 34.60
Lower 12.90 13.15
Adult allowance
Single people 48.25 49.55
Couples/lone parents 75.60 77.55
30 hours allowance 10.30 10.55
Child allowance
Under 11 11.75 12.05
11 to 15 19.45 19.95
16 to 17 24.15 24.80
18 33.80 34.70
Applicable amount (ie taper threshold)
Single people 56.40 57.85
Couples/lone parents 75.20 77.15
Disabled child's allowance 20.40 20.95
Upper limit 16,000.00 16,000.00
Amount disregarded 3,000.00 3,000.00
Child's limit 3,000.00 3,000.00
Tariff income
£1 for every complete £250 or part thereof between amount of capital disregarded and capital upper limit
Maintenance disregard 15.00 15.00
War disablement pension and war widow's pension 10.00 10.00
Certain voluntary and charitable payments 20.00 20.00
Student loan 10.00 10.00
Student's covenanted income 5.00 5.00
Schedule of main proposed social security benefit rates—April 1997
Weekly rates unless otherwise shown Old rates 1996 New rates 1997
Income from boarders:
Disregard the fixed amount (£20) plus 50% of the balance of the charge 20.00 20.00
Childcare charges 60.00 60.00
Expenses for subtenants
Furnished or unfurnished 4.00 4.00
Where heating is included, additional 9.25 9.25
Invalid care allowance 50.00 50.00
Therapeutic earnings limit 45.50 46.50
Industrial injuries unemployability supplement permitted earnings level (annual amount) 2,366.00 2,418.00
War pensioners* unemployability supplement permitted earnings level (annual amount) 2,366.00 2,418.00
Adult dependency increases with short-term incapacity benefit where claimant is
(a) Under pension age 28.55 29.15
(b) Over pension age 35.15 35.90
Maternity allowance 28.55 29.15
Retirement pension, long-term incapacity benefit, severe disablement allowance, unemployability supplement where dependant
(a) Is living with claimant 48.25 49.15
(b) Still qualifies for the tapered earnings rule 45.09 45.09
Retirement pension, long-term incapacity benefit and unemployability supplement where dependant not living with claimant 36.60 37.35
Severe disablement allowance where dependant not living with claimant 21.95 22.40
Invalid care allowance 21.90 22.35
Child dependency increases level at which CDIs are affected by earnings of claimant's spouse or partner
For first child 130.00 135.00
For each subsequent child 17.00 17.00
EARNINGS TOP-UP (see appendix)
Adult credit 46.45 47.65
Adult credit for working 30 hours + pw. 10.30 10.55
Child credit
Under 11 11.75 12.05
11 to 15 19.45 19.95
16 to 17 24.15 24.80
18 33.80 34.70
Applicable amount (ie taper threshold) 75.20 77.15
Upper limit 8,000.00 8,000.00
Amount disregarded 3,000.00 3,000.00
Child's limit 3,000.00 3,000.00
Tariff income
£ 1 for every complete £250 or part thereof between amount of capital disregarded and capital upper limit
Maintenance disregard 15.00 15.00
War disablement pension and war widow's pension 10.00 10.00
Certain voluntary and charitable payments 20.00 20.00
Student loan 10.00 10.00
Student's covenanted incomeIncome from boarders: 5.00 5.00
disregard the fixed amount (£20) plus 50 per cent. of the balance of the charge 20.00 20.00
Childcare charges 60.00 60.00
Expenses for subtenants
Furnished or unfurnished 4.00 4.00
Where heating is included, additional 9.25 9.25
See note on child dependency increase 11.15 11.20
Schedule of main proposed social security benefit rates—April 1997
Weekly rates unless otherwise shown Old rates 1996 New rates 1997
20 per cent. rate 12.25 12.50
40 per cent. rate 24.50 25.00
Personal allowances
16 to 24 37.90 38.90
25 or over 47.90 49.15
Lone parent
Under 18 37.90 38.90
18 or over 47.90 49.15
Both under 18 57.20 58.70
One or both over 18 75.20 77.15
Dependent children
Birth to September following 11th birthday 16.45 16.90
From September following 11th birthday to September following 16th birthday 24.10 24.75
From September following 16th birthday to day before 19th birthday 28.85 29.60
Dependent children with protected rates
Age 11 before lst–7th April 1997 24.10 24.75
Age 16 before lst–7th April 1997 28.85 29.60
Age 18 before lst–7th April 1997 37.90 38.90
Family 10.55 10.80
Family (lone parent rate) 22.05 22.05
Single 19.15 19.65
Couple 28.90 29.65
Pensioner (enhanced)
Single 21.30 21.85
Couple 31.90 32.75
Pensioner (higher)
Single 25.90 26.55
Couple 37.05 38.00
Single 20.40 20.95
Couple 29.15 29.90
Severe disability
Single 36.40 37.15
Couple (one qualifies) 36.40 37.15
Couple (both qualify) 72.80 74.30
Disabled child 20.40 20.95
Carer 13.00 13.35
Allowance for personal expenses for claimants in hospital
Higher rate 15.30 15.60
Lower rate 12.25 12.50
None-dependant deductions rent rebates and allowances
Aged 25 and over, in receipt of Income Support or income based Job Seekers Allowances
Aged 18 or over, not in remunerative work or
Gross income less than £78 6.00 7.00
Aged 18 or over and in remunerative work
Gross income: less than £78.00 6.00 7.00
Gross income: £78 to £115.99 12.00 13.00
Gross income: £116 to £151.99 16.00 17.00
Gross income: £152 to £199.99 32.00 33.00
Gross income: £200.00 to £249.99 32.00 36.00
Gross income: £250.00 and above 32.00 39.00
Service charges for fuel
Heating 9.25 9.25
Hot water 1.15 1.15
Lighting 0.80 0.80
Cooking 1.15 1.15
Amount ineligible for meals
Three or more meals a day
Single claimant 17.10 17.55
Each person in family aged 16 or over 17.10 17.55
Each child under 16 8.65 8.85
Less than three meals a day
Single claimant 11.35 11.65
Each person in family aged 16 or over 11.35 11.65
Each child under 16 5.70 5.85
Schedule of main proposed social security benefitrates—April 1997
Weekly rates unless otherwise shown Old rates 1996 New rates 1997
Breakfast only—claimant and each member of family 2.05 2.10
Upper limit 16,000.00 16,000.00
Amount disregarded 3,000.00 3,000.00
Child's limit 3,000.00 3,000.00
Tariff income
£1 for every complete £250 or part thereof between amount of capital disregarded and capital upper limit
Earnings disregards
Where disability premium awarded 15.00 15.00
Various specified employments 15.00 15.00
Lone parent 25.00 25.00
Where the claimant has a partner 10.00 10.00
Single claimant 5.00 5.00
Where carer premium awarded 15.00 15.00
Childcare charges 60.00 60.00
Other income disregards
Maintenance disregard 15.00 15.00
War disablement pension and war widow's pension 10.00 10.00
Certain voluntary and charitable payments 20.00 20.00
Student loan 10.00 10.00
Student's covenanted income 5.00 5.00
Income from boarders:
Disregard the fixed amount (£20) plus
50 per cent, of the balance of the charge 20.00 20.00
30 hour Adult Allowance in DWA 10.30 10.55
30 hour Adult Credit in FC 10.30 10.55
Expenses for subtenants
Furnished or unfurnished 4.00 4.00
Where heating is included, additional 9.25 9.25
Long-term incapacity benefit 61.15 62.45
Short-term incapacity benefit (under pension age)
Lower rate 46.15 47.10
Higher rate 54.55 55.70
Short-term incapacity benefit (over pension age)
Lower and higher rate 58.65 59.90
Increase of long-term incapacity benefit for age
Higher rate 12.90 13.15
Lower rate 6.45 6.60
Invalidity allowance (transitional)
Higher rate 12.90 13.15
Middle rate 8.10 8.30
Lower rate 4.05 4.15
Personal Allowances
Under 18—usual rate 28.85 29.60
Under 18—higher rate payable in specific circumstances 37.90 38.90
18 to 24 37.90 38.90
25 or over 47.90 49.15
Lone parent
Under 18—usual rate 28.85 29.60
Under 18—higher rate payable in specific circumstances 37.90 38.90
18 or over 47.90 49.15
Both under 18 57.20 58.70
One or both 18 or over 75.20 77.15
Dependent children
Birth to September following 11th birthday 16.45 16.90
From September following 11th birthday to September following 16th birthday 24.10 24.75
From September following 16th birthday to day before 19th birthday 28.85 29.60
Schedule of main proposed social security benefit rates—April 1997
Weekly rates unless otherwise shown Old rates 1996 New rates 1997
Dependent children with protected rates
Age 11 before 7 April 1997 24.10 24.75
Age 16 before 7 April 1997 28.85 29.60
Age 18 before 7 April 1997 37.90 38.90
Residential Allowance
Except Greater London 54.00 56.00
Greater London 60.00 62.00
Family 10.55 10.80
Family (lone parent rate) 15.75 15.75
Single 19.75 19.65
Couple 28.90 29.65
Pensioner (enhanced)
Single 21.30 21.85
Couple 31.90 32.75
Pensioner (higher)
Single 25.90 26.55
Couple 37.05 38.00
Single 20.40 29.95
Couple 29.15 29.90
Severe disability
Single 36.40 37.15
Couple (one qualifies) 36.40 37.15
Couple (both qualify) 72.80 74.30
Disabled child 20.40 20.95
Carer 13.00 13.35
Maximum amounts for accommodation and meals in residential care homes
Old age 203.00 208.00
Very dependent elderly 234.00 240.00
Mental disorder (not handicap) 214.00 220.00
Drug/alcohol dependence 214.00 220.00
Mental handicap 244.00 250.00
Physical disablement
(a) (Under pension age) 276.00 285.00
(b) (Over pension age) 203.00 208.00
Others 203.00 208.00
Maximum Greater London increase 38.00 41.00
Nursing homes
Mental disorder (not handicap) 304.00 312.00
Drug/alcohol dependence 304.00 312.00
Mental handicap 310.00 318.00
Terminal illness 303.00 311.00
Physical disablement
(a) (Under pension age) 341.00 352.00
(b) (Over pension age) 303.00 311.00
Others (including elderly) 303.00 311.00
Maximum Greater London increase 43.00 46.00
Amounts for meals where these cannot be purchased within the accommodation
(Daily rate)
Breakfast 1.10 1.10
Midday meal 1.55 1.55
Evening meal 1.55 1.55
Allowances for personal expenses for claimants in
Private and voluntary residential Care and nursing homes personal expenses 13.75 14.10
Dependent children
(a) Under 11 5.65 5.80
(b) 11 to 15 8.25 8.45
(c) 16 to 17 9.55 9.80
(d) Age 18 13.75 14.10
Schedule of main proposed social security benefit rates—April 1997
Weekly rates unless otherwise shown Old rates 1996 New rates 1997
Higher rate 15.30 15.60
Lower rate 12.25 12.50
Local authority (Pt III) accommodation 61.15 62.45
Of which, Personal Expenses 13.75 14.10
Schedule of main proposed social security benefit rates—April 1997
Weekly rates unless otherwise shown Old rates 1996 New rates 1997
Allowances for personal expenses for claimants in:
The Polish home Ilford Park
Maximum amount of accommodation and meals 341.00 352.00
Personal expenses for claimants 17.35 17.35
Personal expenses for partner 17.35 17.35
Personal expenses for dependant children
(a) Under 11 5.65 5.80
(b) 11 to 15 8.25 8.45
(c) 16 to 17 9.55 9.80
(d) 18 15.55 15.55
Housing costs
Deductions for non-dependants aged 25 and over, in receipt of Income Support aged 18 or over, not in work or
Gross income less than £78 6.00 7.00
Aged 18 or over and in remunerative work:
Gross income: £78 to £115.99 12.00 13.00
Gross income: £116 to £151.99 16.00 17.00
Gross income: £152.00 and above 32.00 33.00
Deductions for direct payments
Arrears of housing, fuel and water costs council tax and fines default, 2.40 2.50
Deductions for child maintenance (standard) 4.80 5.00
Deductions for child maintenance (lower) 2.40 2.50
Arrears of community charge
Court order against claimant 2.40 2.50
Court order against couple 3.80 3.90
Maximum rates for recovery of overpayments
Ordinary overpayments 7.20 7.50
Where claimant convicted of fraud 9.60 10.00
Reduction in benefit for strikers 26.00 26.50
Upper limit 8,000.00 8,000.00
Amount disregarded 3,000.00 3,000.00
Child's limit 3,000.00 3,000.00
Upper limit for permanent residents of residential care/nursing homes (RC/NH) 16,000.00 16,000.00
Amount disregarded for permanent residents of RC/NH 10,000.00 10,000.00
Tariff income
£1 for every complete £250 or part thereof between amount of capital disregarded and capital upper limit
Standard earnings 5.00 5.00
Couples earnings 10.00 10.00
Higher earnings 15.00 15.00
War disablement pension and war widow's pension 10.00 10.00
Voluntary and charitable payments 20.00 20.00
Student loan 10.00 10.00
Student's covenanted income 5.00 5.00
Income from boarders:
Disregard the fixed amount (£20) plus
50 per cent, of the balance of the charge 20.00 20.00
Expenses for subtenants
Furnished or unfurnished 4.00 4.00
Where heating is included, additional 9.25 9.25
Widow's pension
Higher rate 61.15 62.45
Lower rate 18.35 18.74
18 and over, or under 18 with dependants
100 per cent. 99.00 101.10
90 per cent. 89.10 90.99
80 per cent. 79.20 80.88
70 per cent. 69.30 70.77
60 per cent. 59.40 60.66
50 per cent. 49.50 50.55
40 per cent. 39.60 40.44
Schedule of main proposed social security benefit rates—April 1997
Weekly rates unless otherwise shown Old rates 1996 New rates 1997
30 per cent. 29.70 30.33
20 per cent. 19.80 20.22
Under 18
100 per cent. 60.65 61.90
90 per cent. 54.59 55.71
80 per cent. 48.52 49.52
70 per cent. 42.46 43.33
60 per cent. 36.39 37.14
50 per cent. 30.33 30.95
40 per cent. 24.26 24.76
30 per cent. 18.20 18.57
20 per cent. 12.13 12.38
Maximum life gratuity (lump sum) 6,580.00 6,720.00
Unemployability supplement 61.15 62.45
plus where appropriate an increase for early incapacity
Higher rate 12.90 13.15
Middle rate 8.10 8.30
Lower rate 4.05 4.15
Maximum reduced earnings allowance 39.60 40.44
Maximum retirement allowance 9.90 10.11
Constant attendance allowance
Exceptional rate 79.40 81.00
Intermediate rate 59.55 60.75
Normal maximum rate 39.70 40.50
Part-time rate 19.85 20.25
Exceptionally severe disablement allowance 39.70 40.50
Personal allowances
Under 18—usual rate 28.85 29.60
Under 18—higher rate payable in specific circumstances 37.90 38.90
18 to 24 37.90 38.90
25 or over 47.90 49.15
Lone Parent
Under 18—usual rate 28.85 29.60
Under 18—higher rate payable in specific circumstances 37.90 38.90
18 or over 47.90 49.15
Both under 18 28.85 29.60
Both under 18, one disabled 37.90 38.90
Both under 18, with responsibility for a child 57.20 58.70
One under 18, one 18–24 37.90 38.90
One under 18, one 25+ 47.90 49.15
Both 18 or over 75.20 77.15
Dependent children
Birth to September following 11th birthday 16.45 16.90
From September following 11th birthday to September following 16th birthday 24.10 24.75
From September following 16th birthday to day before 19th birthday 28.85 29.60
Dependent children with protected rates
Age 11 before 7 April 1997 24.10 24.75
Age 16 before 7 April 1997 28.85 29.60
Age 18 before 7 April 1997 37.90 38.90
Residential allowance
Except Greater London 54.00 56.00
Greater London 60.00 62.00
Family 10.55 10.80
Family (lone parent rate) 15.75 15.75
Single 19.15 19.65
Couple 28.90 29.65
Pensioner (enhanced)
Couple 31.90 32.75
Pensioner (higher)
Single 25.90 26.55
Couple 37.05 38.00
Single 20.40 20.95
Schedule of main proposed social security benefit rates—April 1997
Weekly rates unless otherwise shown Old rates 1996 New rates 1997
Couple 29.15 29.90
Severe disability
Single 36.40 37.15
Couple (one qualifies) 36.40 37.15
Couple (both qualify) 72.80 74.30
Disabled child 20.40 20.95
Carer 13.00 13.35
Maximum amounts for accommodation and meals in residential care homes
Mental disorder (not handicap) 214.00 220.00
Drug/alcohol dependence 214.00 220.00
Mental handicap 244.00 250.00
Physical disablement
(a) (Under pension age) 276.00 285.00
Others 203.00 208.00
Maximum Greater London increase 38.00 41.00
Nursing homes
Mental disorder (not handicap) 304.00 312.00
Drug/alcohol dependence 304.00 312.00
Mental handicap 310.00 318.00
Terminal illness 303.00 311.00
(a) (Under pension age) 341.00 352.00
Others (including elderly) 303.00 311.00
Maximum Greater London increase 43.00 46.00
Amounts for meals where these cannot be purchased within the accommodation
(Daily rate)
Breakfast 1.10 1.10
Midday meal 1.55 1.55
Evening meal 1.55 1.55
Allowances for personal expenses for claimants in
Private and voluntary residential care and nursing homes personal expenses 13.75 14.10
Dependent children
(a) Under 11 5.65 5.80
(b) 11 to 15 8.25 8.45
(c) 16 to 17 9.55 9.80
(d) Age 18 13.75 14.10
Higher rate 15.30 15.60
lower rate 12.25 12.50
Local authority part III accommodation, 61.15 62.60
of which personal expenses 13.75 14.10
Housing costs deduction for non-dependants
Aged 25 and over, in receipt of Income Support
Aged 18 or over, not in work or Gross income less than £78 6.00 7.00
Aged 18 or over and in remunerative work
Gross income: £78.00 to £115.99 12.00 13.00
Gross income: £116.00 to £151.99 16.00 17.00
Gross income: £152 and above 32.00 33.00
Deduction for direct payments
Arrears of housing, fuel and water costs Council tax and fines default 2.40 2.50
Deductions for child maintenance (income-based JSA only)
Deductions for child maintenance (standard) 4.80 5.00
Deductions for child maintenance (lower) 2.40 2.50
Arrears of community charge
Court order against claimant 2.40 2.50
Court order against couple 3.80 3.90
Maximum rates for recovery of overpayments
Ordinary overpayments 7.20 7.50
Where claimant convicted of fraud 9.60 10.00
Reduction in benefit for strikers 26.00 26.50
Upper limit 8,000.00 8,000.00
Amount disregarded 3,000.00 3,000.00
Child's limit 3,000.00 3,000.00
Upper limit for perm. res. of RC/NH 16,000.00 16,000.00
Amount disregarded for perm. res. of RC/NH 10,000.00 10,000.00
Schedule of main proposed social security benefit rates—April 1997
Weekly rates unless otherwise shown Old rates 1996 New rates 1997
Tariff income
£1 for every complete £250 or part thereof between amount of capital disregarded and capital upper limit
Standard earnings 5.00 5.00
Couples earnings 10.00 10.00
Higher earnings 15.00 15.00
War disablement pension and war widow's pension 10.00 10.00
Voluntary and charitable payments 20.00 20.00
Student loan 10.00 10.00
Student's covenanted income 5.00 5.00
Income from boarders:
Disregard the fixed amount (£20) plus
50 per cent, of the balance of the charge 20.00 20.00
Expenses for subtenants
Furnished or unfurnished 4.00 4.00
Where heating is included, additional 9.25 9.25
Lower rate 47.35 48.35
Higher rate 54.55 55.70
Total disablement allowance and major incapacity allowance (maximum) 99.00 101.10
Partial disablement allowance 36.60 37.35
Unemployability supplement 61.15 62.45
Plus where appropriate increases for early incapacity
Higher rate 12.90 13.15
Middle rate 8.10 8.30
Lower rate 4.05 4.15
Constant attendance allowance
Exceptional rate 79.40 81.00
Intermediate rate 59.55 60.75
Normal maximum rate 39.70 40.50
Part-time rate 19.85 20.25
Exceptionally severe disablement allowance 39.70 40.50
Lesser incapacity allowance
Maximum rate of allowance 36.60 37.35
Based on loss of earnings over 48.50 49.50
Retirement Pension
Category A or B 61.15 62.45
Category B (lower)—husband's insurance 36.60 37.35
Category C or D—non-contributory 36.60 37.35
Category C (lower)—non-contributory 21.90 22.35
Additional pension Increase by: 2.10 per cent.
Increment to:
Basic and additional pensions Increased by: 2.10 percent.
Contracted out deductions (CODs) (Pre-April 1988 earnings)
Graduated retirement benefit (GRB)
Increments to CODs (post-April 1988 earnings)
[2.1 per cent, paid by schemes]
Graduated retirement benefit (unit) (pence) 7.94 8.11
Graduated retirement benefit (Inherited) Increase by 2.10 per cent.
Addition at age 80 0.25 0.25
Basic rate 36.95 37.75
Age-related addition (from December 1990)
Higher rate 12.90 13.15
Middle rate 8.10 8.30
Lower rate 4.05 4.15
Earnings threshold 61.00 62.00
Lower rate 54.55 55.70
Schedule of main proposed social security benefit rates—April 1997
Weekly rates unless otherwise shown Old rates 1996 New rates 1997
Earnings threshold 61.00 62.00
Lower rate 54.55 55.70
Disablement Pension (100 per cent. rates)
Officer (£ per annum) 5,479.00 5,594.00
Other ranks 105.00 107.20
Age allowances
40 per cent.–50 per cent. 7.00 7.15
Over 50 per cent. but not over 70 per cent. 10.80 11.05
Over 70 per cent. but not over 90 per cent. 15.45 15.75
Over 90 per cent. 21.60 22.10
Disablement gratuity
(base figures for calculation purposes only)
Specified minor injury 6,580.00 6,720.00
Unspecified minor injury 3,619.00 3,696.00
Unemployability allowance
Personal 64.90 66.25
Adult dependency increase 36.60 37.35
(a) Increase for first child 9.90 9.90
(b) Increase for subsequent children 11.15 11.20
Invalidity allowance
Higher rate 12.90 13.15
Middle rate 8.10 8.30
Lower rate 4.05 4.15
Constant attendance allowance
Exceptional rate 79.40 81.00
Intermediate rate 59.55 60.75
Normal maximum rate 39.70 40.50
Part-time rate 19.85 20.25
Comforts allowance
Higher rate 17.00 17.40
Lower rate 8.50 8.70
Mobility supplement 37.75 38.55
Allowance for lowered standard of occupation (maximum) 39.60 40.44
Exceptionally severe disablement allowance 39.70 40.50
Severe disablement occupational allowance 19.85 20.25
Clothing allowance (£ per annum, maximum) 134.00 137.00
Education allowance (£ per annum, maximum) 120.00 120.00
War widow's pension
Widow (private) 79.35 81.00
Widow (NCO) 79.60 81.25
Widow—officer (£ p.a max) 4,907.00 5,010.00
Childless widow under 40 (private) 18.35 18.74
Childless widow under 40 (NCO) 18.63 19.02
Childless widow (officer max. £s pa) 4,907.00 5,010.00
Supplementary Pension 51.71 52.80
Age allowance
(a) Age 65 to 69 9.05 9.25
(b) Age 70 to 79 17.40 17.75
(c) Age 80 and over 25.90 26.45
Children's allowance
(a) Increase for first child (adjusted for ChB increase) 14.10 14.15
(b) Increase for subsequent children 15.35 15.45
Orphan's pension
(a) Increase for first child (adjusted for child benefit increase) 15.85 15.90
(b) Increase for subsequent children 17.10 17.20
Unmarried dependant living as spouse (max) 77.30 78.95
Rent allowance (maximum) 30.00 30.65
Adult orphan's pension (maximum) 61.15 62.45
Widower's pension
(i) Private (max) 79.35 81.00
(ii) Officer (£ per annum) max 4,907.00 5,010.00
Widow's payment (lump sum) 1,000.00 1,000.00
Widowed mother's allowance 61.15 62.45
Schedule of main proposed social security benefit rates—April 1997
Weekly rates unless otherwise shown Old rates 1996 New rates 1997
Widow's pension
Standard rate 61.51 62.45
Age 54 (49) 56.87 58.08
Age 53 (48) 52.59 53.71
Age 52 (47) 48.31 49.34
Age 51 (46) 44.03 44.96
Age 50 (45) 39.75 40.59
Age 49 (44) 35.47 36.22
Age 48 (43) 31.19 31.85
Age 47 (42) 26.91 27.48
Age 46 (41) 22.63 23.11
Age 45 (40) 18.35 18.74

For deaths occurring before 11 April 1988 refer to age-points shown in brackets.

Schedule of main proposed social security benefit rates—April 1997
Appendix: Earnings top-up
Old rates 1996 £ New rates 1997 £
Couple 46.45 47.65
Single 25 and over 28.00 28.75
Single under 25 22.75 23.35
For working 30 hours + per week 10.30 10.55
Applicable amount (i.e. taper threshold)
Couple 75.20 77.15
Single 25 and over 58.20 59.70
Single under 25 48.20 49.45
Couple 56.05 57.50
Single 25 and over 28.00 28.75
Single under 25 22.75 23.35
For working 30 hours + per week 10.30 10.55
Applicable amount (i.e. taper threshold)
Couple 75.20 77.15
Single 25 and over 75.20 77.15
Single under 25 75.20 77.15
Upper limit 8,000.00 Fixed rates
Amount disregarded 3,000.00 Fixed rates
Traffic income
£1 for every complete £250 or part thereof between amount of capital disregarded and capital upper limit Fixed rate