HC Deb 25 November 1996 vol 286 cc83-4W
Mr. Hanson

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister when the current chairman proposes to relinquish his position as chairman of the deregulation task force. [5578]

Mr. Freeman

The right hon. Francis Maude's current appointment as chairman of the deregulation task force is until September 1997.

Mr. Hanson

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister what proposals he intends to bring forward to meet the deregulation task force targets for a reduction in business costs by 2000. [5577]

Mr. Freeman

The deregulation task force has produced two annual reports, in September 1995 and September 1996. The Government accepted the majority of the recommendations in both these reports.

In its 1995 report, the deregulation task force recommended that the burden of Government surveys be cut by 25 per cent. In response, the Government set up an independent study which reported in September 1996. The study put forward a number of recommendations which will reduce businesses costs in completing Government surveys by 26 per cent.—or £17.5 million per year—by the year 2000, without damaging the quality of essential data collected.

Mr. Hanson

To ask the Deputy Prime Minster what steps he intends to take to broaden the membership of the deregulation task force. [5575]

Mr. Freeman

Two new members were appointed to the deregulation task force in September. They are Henry Angest, who is chairman and chief executive of Secure Trust Group plc, a financial services company, and Thomas Swan who runs Thomas Swan and Co Ltd., a chemical manufacturing, biotechnology and scientific equipment company. There are no current plans for further additions to the membership.

Mr. Hanson

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister what were his criteria for establishing membership of the deregulation task force. [5576]

Mr. Freeman

All members of the task force were appointed for the expertise and experience they could contribute to its work as individuals. Members were selected from a large number of sources, including the lists held by the Cabinet Office public appointments unit.

Mr. Hanson

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister what is his policy towards members of the deregulation task force holding the position of prospective parliamentary candidate. [5574]

Mr. Freeman

The deregulation task force is an advisory body. As is the case with all non-departmental public bodies, the members of the task force have been appointed for the expertise they can contribute to its work. All the recommendations the task force makes to the Government are considered entirely on their merits, and in the light of views of others.