HC Deb 21 November 1996 vol 285 cc664-5W
Mr. Worthington

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what sums were spent on the preparatory departments of voluntary and other grammar schools in the most recent year of which figures are available; and for what purposes such money was provided. [4917]

Mr. Ancram

The most recent year for which figures are available is the 1995–96 financial year and the table details the sums spent:

Voluntary grammar schools 1,316,162
Controlled grammar schools 172,060

Under the local management of schools formula funding arrangements, financial contributions to preparatory departments are restricted to 40 per cent. of the teaching costs. All other costs are met by parental contribution.

Mr. Worthington

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what activities of voluntary grammar schools are funded by the Department of Education through its funding formulae that are not funded by education and library boards in their funding formulae. [4918]

Mr. Ancram

The funding arrangements for voluntary grammar schools allow for all expenditure relating to maintenance and equipment to be delegated to schools whereas education and library boards handle some of the costs centrally for controlled and maintained schools. The voluntary grammar school arrangements also allow for the payment of VAT and some other costs such as insurance which do not arise in controlled and maintained schools.