§ Mr. FlynnTo ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (1) how many cases of tuberculosis among the registered homeless have been diagnosed in Northern Ireland in each of the last 10 years; and if he will make a statement; [1584]
(2) how many registered homeless have died from tuberculosis in Northern Ireland in each of the last 10 years; and if he will make a statement; [1557]
(3) how many people have died from tuberculosis in Northern Ireland in each of the last 10 years; and if he will make a statement; [1574]
(4) how many cases of tuberculosis have been diagnosed in Northern Ireland in each of the last 10 years; and if he will make a statement. [1582]
§ Mr. MossInformation on tuberculosis among homeless people is not available separately.
Notifications of, and deaths from tuberculosis are shown in the table Year Notifications of all cases of tuberculosis in Northern Ireland1 Number of deaths due to tuberculosis in Northern Ireland2 1986 108 14 1987 99 15 1988 86 9 1989 94 13 1990 131 12 1991 96 7 1992 84 11 1993 90 13 1994 92 8 1995 90 314 Source:
1 Return of Infectious Diseases Notified to Health and Social Services Boards.
2 General Register Office Records.
3 Provisional.