HC Deb 05 November 1996 vol 284 cc477-8W
Mr. McGrady

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (1) if the reviews of the area plans in respect of the Down and Newry and Mourne district council areas will be included in the Planning Agency's business case for the financial year 1997£98; [2384]

(2) what is the time scale for the commencement and execution of the work required in respect of the Down and Newry and Mourne area plans; [2402]

(3) what factors led to the exclusion of the area plans for the Down and Newry and Mourne district council areas form the Planning Agency's business case for the financial year 1996–97; [2383]

(4) when he expects the reviews of the area plans in respect of Down and Newry and Mourne district councils to take place; [2417]

(5) if he will make a statement on the adequacy of resources for the (a) review and (b) preparation of the area plans for the Down and Newry and Mourne districts. [2418]

Mr. Moss

Responsibility for the subject in question has been delegated to a Planning Service under its chief executive, Mr. T. Stewart. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.

Letter from T. W. Stewart to Mr. Eddie McGrady, dated 5 November 1996: Mr. Moss has asked me to reply to your questions about the Down and Newry and Mourne Area Plans. Only Development Plans which were to be adopted in 1996/97 were included in the Agency's Business Plan for that year. The position will be the same for the 1997/98 Business Plan. When drawing up the development plan programme for 1997/98 and future years, the programming of work on both plans will be taken into account. The work programme will be established in accordance with competing priorities and the available resources. Although the notional end date for the Down Area Plan is late 1997 and for the Newry and Mourne Area Plan late 1999, they will remain material planning considerations in the determination of any planning applications submitted after those dates.