HC Deb 15 May 1996 vol 277 cc500-1W
Ms Jowell

To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage (1) what provision is available to employees of executive agencies under the control of her Department for(a) maternity leave, (b) maternity pay, (c) paternity leave, (d) parental leave, (e) flexible working hours, (f) part-time work, (g) job sharing, (h) leave to care for sick children, (i) home working, (j) term-time contracts, (k) annual hours contracts, (l) workplace nurseries, (m) child care allowances, (n) carers' leave and (o) career break schemes; and what criteria are used to judge eligibility in each case; [27605]

(2) what provision is available to employees of her Department for (a) maternity leave, (b) maternity pay, (c) paternity leave, (d) parental leave, (e) flexible working hours, (f) part-time work, (g) job sharing, (h) leave to care for sick children, (i) home-working, (j) term-time contracts, (k) annual hours contracts, (l) workplace nurseries, (m) child care allowances, (n) carers' leave and (o) career break schemes; and what criteria are used to judge eligibility in each case. [27604]

Mr. Sproat

[holding answer 7 May 1996]: The following table represents the provisions available in my Department and the two agencies for which the Department is responsible—the Historic Royal Palaces Agency and the Royal Parks Agency.

Employee benefit Provision in the department Criteria to judge eligibility Variation if different in the Agencies
(e) Flexible working hours Agreed departmental policy Where appropriate, at local management discretion For RPA open to all staff except in sections where cover is essential eg Personnel, Reception
(f) Part-time working Agreed departmental policy Where appropriate, at management discretion
(g) Job sharing Agreed departmental policy Where appropriate, at local management discretion For Agencies currently no formalised arrangements
(h) Leave to care for sick children As for 'parental leave' As for 'parental leave' For Agencies up to 5 days paid leave; thereafter unpaid leave possible
(i) Homeworking No formalised scheme, pilot scheme currently being tested Where appropriate, at local management discetionFor Agencies currently no formalised arrangements
(j) Term-time contracts Currently no provision
(k) Annual hours contracts Currently no provision For HRPA two distinct groups of staff work under these contracts to meet the needs of the business/visitors
(l) Workplace nurseries and One nursery place for a child up to five years old. In addition a holiday playscheme operates to help staff look after their children in school holidays. DNH provides 50 per cent, subsidy for both nursery and playschemeOpen to all employeesFor Agencies currently no provision
(m) Childcare allowances
(n) Carers' leave As for 'parental leave' As for 'parental leave' For Agencies up to 5 days paid leave; thereafter unpaid leave possible
(o) Career break schemes Up to 5 years unpaid leave to cope with domestic responsibilities Open to all employees at local management discretion