HC Deb 15 May 1996 vol 277 cc462-3W
Ms Jowell

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment what provision is available to employees of executive agencies under the control of her Department for(a) maternity leave, (b) maternity pay, (c) paternity leave, (d) parental leave, (e) flexible working hours, (f) part-time work, (g) job sharing, (h) leave to care for sick children, (i) home working, (j) term-time contracts, (k) annual hours contracts, (l) workplace nurseries, (m) child care allowances, (n) carers' leave and (o) career break schemes; and what criteria are used to judge eligibility in each case. [27591]

Mr. Robin Squire

[holding answer 7 May 1996]: Responsibility for the subject of the questions has been delegated to the Employment Service Agency and the Teachers' Pensions Agency under the chief executives. I have asked for them to arrange for replies to be given.

Letter from Denyse Metcalfe to Ms Tessa Jowell, dated 10 May 1996:

The Secretary of State has asked me to reply to your question about provisions for employees within the Executive Agency.The arrangements that apply to the Teachers' Pensions Agency are the same as that of the Department for Education and Employment and I would refer you to the reply sent to you on 7 May 1996, Official Report, column 107–110.I hope this is helpful.

Letter from Robert Horne to Ms Tessa Jowell, dated 15 May 1996: The Secretary of State has asked me to reply to your question, in the absence of the Chief Executive, about provisions for employees within the executive agencies. General guidance for employees and their managers is contained in a number of documents. The ES has nearly completed the process of putting this guidance together in 2 volumes of 'The ES and You'; the first covering 'Your rights and responsibilities' and the second 'A guide for managers'. Some of the information you request is still contained in a chapter of the old guidance which has yet to be incorporated into the new volumes. Copies of this guidance and that for personnel managers on various flexible work patterns are enclosed, and also placed in the Library. Together these will provide information on maternity leave and pay; paternity leave and parental leave; flexible working hours; part time work; leave to care for sick children; homeworking; term time contracts; carers leave and career break schemes. This covers your items a—f, h—j, n and 0.

Annual Hours contracts (item k) are not offered as standard in the Employment Service and therefore no guidance is available. Likewise, childcare allowances (item m) are not available, although the ES does pay additional childcare costs where extra hours are worked. The relevant extract from the ES guide to expenses will also be sent to you.

Job sharing (item g) is encouraged and my Personnel Managers have the flexibility to manage this locally in the light of people's requests and operational need. No central guidance is produced.

Likewise, the ES supports the establishment of workplace nurseries (item 1) and has recently opened one in Sheffield. Local arrangements vary widely depending on need and the provision already available. Often nurseries will be shared with other organisations and Government Departments and Agencies. Full details of Civil Service nursery provision is contained in the Childcare Bulletin produced by the Office of Public Service.

I hope this is helpful.