HL Deb 14 May 1996 vol 572 cc48-9WA
Lord Pearson of Rannoch

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What proportion of the fish caught within (a) the United Kingdom's six mile limit; (b) the United Kingdom's 12 mile limit; and (c) the United Kingdom's 200 mile limit, was caught by genuinely British boats and landed in British ports in 1972, 1976, 1985 and 1995.

Lord Lucas

Information is not available in the form requested. Fisheries are managed on the basis of the areas in which there are biologically distinct stocks. Records of catches do not specify the territorial limits within which they are taken: rather they are accounted for on the basis of the sea areas defined by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES).

Landings by UK-flagged vessels into UK ports and abroad are given below. These figures relate to landings of all species, including those which are not subject to EU or third country quotas. (Figures for landings abroad are not available prior to 1988, and figures for 1995 have yet to be finalised. Figures for 1994 are given in terms of live weight equivalent of fish landed. For earlier years, the quantities are expressed in terms of the standard landed weight).

UK Landings into UK UK Landings Abroad
Year Quantity ('000 tonnes) Value {£m) Quantity ('000 tonnes) Value £m
1972 954.8 108.8 n/a n/a
1976 932.8 209.8 n/a n/a
1985 762.1 323.8 n/a n/a
1994 687.6 454.5 187.3 107.0