HL Deb 08 May 1996 vol 572 cc16-8WA
Lord Sefton of Garston

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will ensure that the Millennium Commission, before it finally commits itself to the exhibition at Greenwich, informs them as to the amount promised by the private sector and of any guarantees received.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of National Heritage (Lord Inglewood)

No. The Government have no plans to require the Millennium Commission to provide this information before committing itself to the siting of the Millennium Exhibition at Greenwich.

Lord Sefton of Garston

asked Her Majesty's Government:

In view of the fact that the promise of British Gas to fund part of the Jubilee Line Extension has still to be fulfilled, whether they will ensure that no public expenditure is made available to British Gas to clean the site at Greenwich.

Lord Inglewood

I refer to the Answer given by the noble Viscount, Lord Goschen, on 8th March (H.L. col.WA 37), explaining that British Gas has, in fact, fulfilled its obligations to date on the Jubilee Line Extension. British Gas will be responsible for decontamination of the Greenwich site in line with its responsibilities as polluter. English Partnerships are currently considering the award of a grant which will

Hereditary Peers by succession
Number of peers attending
Party 0 days between 1 and 39 days between 40 and 79 days between 80 and 119 days between 120 and 142 days mean attendance
Conservative 65 115 47 48 63 52 days
Labour 1 3 1 2 6 86 days
Liberal Democrat 2 9 2 4 7 65 days
Other 98 101 19 15 20 25 days
Total 628 Peers 42 days

Life Peers (under the 1958 and 1876 Acts) and hereditary Peers of first creation
Number of peers attending
Party 0 days between 1 and 39 days between 40 and 79 days between 80 and 119 days between 120 and 142 days mean attendance
Conservative 7 47 31 36 30 68 days
Labour 8 16 19 23 39 86 days
Liberal Democrat 0 3 8 11 8 90 days
Other 23 68 15 17 13 38 days
Total 422 Peers 64 days


1,050 Peers who were eligible to attend during at least part of session 1994–95 are included in the tables; 76 Peers who were on leave of absence for the whole of the Session and 88 Peers who were without writs at the end of the Session (and 29 bishops and archbishops) have been excluded. Attendance is defined as attendance in the Chamber (attendances at committee meetings and judicial sittings have, therefore, been excluded). Party allegiance is defined as being in receipt of a party whip at the end of Session 1994–95.

relate to the additional work needed to provide a suitable platform for development of the site.