HC Deb 28 March 1996 vol 274 c718W
Mr. Frank Field

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many(a) men and (b) women individuals since 1988 have left their company pension scheme and opted to (a) a personal pension and (b) membership of the state earnings-related pension scheme. [22203]

Mr. Heald

Information is not available in the format requested. In the case of those moving from an occupational pension scheme to a personal pension, figures are available only where the appropriate personal pension was started in the same tax year as the termination of occupational pension scheme membership. The available information is given in the table:

assessment makes no provision for any costs involved in caring for those children. The fact that child support maintenance cannot exceed 30 per cent. of net income leaves absent parents sufficient resources to make such choices.

Where payment of child support at the rate determined under the standard maintenance assessment would reduce an absent parent's income to such a level that he would be unable to provide adequate support for his new family, the protected income provisions come into play. The protected income assessment makes full allowance for the basic living expenses of all children in the absent parent's household, including any step-children.

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