HC Deb 22 March 1996 vol 274 c333W
Sir David Steel

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what plans he has to issue rules regulating the secondment and recruitment of personnel from industry to his Department, and their responsibilities, salary and employment allowances. [21297]

Mr. Arbuthnot

The rules regulating the secondment of personnel from industry to this department are contained in the civil service management code and the booklet, "Guidance for Departmental and Agency Personnel Officers when arranging secondments". The latter was issued in September 1993 by the Cabinet Office, Office of Public Service and Science, and I have arranged for a copy to be placed in the Library of the House.

The responsibilities of such personnel while on secondment and their actual secondment terms are a matter for negotiation between MOD, the parent company and the individual. However, salaries have to be kept within the maximum for the grade or management tier to which the secondee has been appointed. Guidance on salaries paid to secondees has been issued in the civil service management code.

Departmental rules concerning the appointment and payment of secondees will be published later this year.

Recruitment to the civil service is governed by the Civil Service Order in Council 1995. Selection must be based on fair and open competition. Recruitment may be to a grade or to a specific post, but the responsibilities and required skills will be clearly stated as part of the advertising and selection process. MOD's recruitment manual is being revised and will be reissued this year.

The rules regulating the salary—and allowances, if any—paid to a new recruit are set out in the civil service management code and my Department's pay manual.

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