HC Deb 19 March 1996 vol 274 c186W
Ms Harman

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what guidelines he has issued in respect of the performance-related element of the chief executives of NHS trusts, regional health authorities and district health authorities. [20856]

Mr. Malone

National health service trusts boards are accountable for the proper appointment, appraisal and remuneration of their senior executives and, as in all their functions, boards must have regard to the public service values of accountability, probity and openness enshrined in the codes of conduct and accountability issued to NHS boards in April 1994. The code of accountability requires all NHS boards to establish a remuneration and terms of service committee to exercise proper control of executive board member's remuneration.

For those staff employed on the national terms and conditions for general and senior managers, guidance has been issued periodically on performance-related pay in a series of health service guidelines, health circulars and personnel memoranda, copies of which are in the Library.