§ Mr. DunnTo ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what action has been taken to implement the recommendation of the Select Committee on the Channel Tunnel Rail Link Bill that an interdepartmental working party be convened to consider the problem of perceived blight. [21694]
§ Sir Paul BeresfordAn interdepartmental working group has been established under the chairmanship of an official from my Department. The terms of reference of the group are as follows
10WTo review the scope, cause and effects of blight arising during the various stage of major infrastructure projects and to consider whether any practical changes can be made to the existing arrangements for property purchase and compensation, bearing in mind the concerns of the House of Commons Select Committee on the Channel Tunnel Rail Link Bill about those whose properties decline in value because of the perception of potential purchasers rather than because of any physical effects. In meeting this remit the working party will consider in particular:—whether it is possible to define "generalised blight" in a way which would meet the concerns of the Select Committee without increasing or extending the blighting effects of major proposals;—the extent and duration of the effects of blight on property values both in the shorter and longer term and the interaction with other local and national valuation effects;—the scope for minimising blight by adopting a different approach to the provision of infrastructure and the selection of sites and the effect of such an approach on the existing arrangements for public consultation and participation in planning decisions;—any relevant overseas experience;—the likely costs of any new arrangements and their effect on the provision of infrastructure;—any wider effects of any new arrangements on property values generally, including a comparison with the values of properties affected by other development proposals;—if any remedy for those affected by "generalised blight" is considered appropriate, the practical application of such a remedy including the basis on which it might be determined, the eligibility of property owners, the geographical coverage in relation to the development proposals and the point at which it would be offered; and—any implications for the existing principles of the land compensation code or for the current arrangements for discretionary purchase.In carrying though this work, the working party will also have regard to the principles of good administration.