HC Deb 05 March 1996 vol 273 cc196-9W
Mr. Michael

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) how many prisoners aged 15 and 16 years were being held in young offenders institutions and remand centres in England and Wales on the most recent date for which information is available; and if he will list the establishments concerned and the numbers held in each(a) on remand and (b) following sentence; [18373]

(2) how many young people aged 15 and 16 years were being held in establishments other than young offender institutions on the most recent date for which information is available; and if he will list the establishments concerned and the numbers held in each (a) on remand and (b) following sentence; [18374]

(3) how many young people aged 15 and 16 years were being held in private prison establishments institutions on the most recent date for which information is available; and if he will list the establishments concerned and the numbers held in each (a) on remand and (b) following sentence. [18375]

Miss Widdecombe

Responsibility for these matters has been delegated to the temporary Director General of the Prison Service, who has been asked to arrange for a reply to be given.

Letter from A. J. Pearson to Mr. Alun Michael, dated 5 March 1996:

The Home Secretary has asked me, in the absence of the Director General of the Prison Service, to reply to your recent Questions asking, how many persons aged 15 and 16 years were being held in young offenders' institutions and remand centres, private prisons and those held in establishments other than young offender institutions in England and Wales on the latest available date; in which establishments they were held; and if they were held on remand or under sentence.

The latest information is for 31 January 1996 and is given in the attached table.

Population of 15 and 16-year-olds in Prison Service establishments in England and Wales on 31 January 19961
15-year-olds 16-year-olds
Remand Sentence Total Remand Sentence Total
Remand centres
Brinsford 2 2
Exeter 1 1
Feltham 3 3
Glen Parva 4 4 19 19
Gloucester 3 3
Hindley 5 5 21 3 24
Low Newton 7 7 10 10
Northallerton 1 1 15 15
Norwich 1 1
Swansea 1 1 6 5 11
Total remand centres (male) 19 19 80 8 88
Closed YOIs (male)
Aylesbury 1 1 3 3
Brinsford 1 1 2 2
Castington 1 1
Deerbolt 2 2
Feltham 4 4 13 13
Glen Parva 3 3 12 12
Moorland 1 1 8 8
Onley 1 1
Portland 1 1
Stoke Heath 5 5
Swinfen Hal 4 4
Total closed YOIs (male) 10 10 52 52
Juvenile YOIs (male)
Brinsford 16 7 23 17 7 24
Deerbolt 1 14 15 39 39
Feltham 10 22 32 35 35 70
Huntercombe 2 2 21 21
Lancaster Fms 2 2 3 1 4
Onley 14 14 34 34
Portland 1 10 11 48 48
Stoke Heath 11 11 38 38
Thorn Cross 6 6 8 8
Wellington 18 18 41 41
Wetherby 10 10 28 28
Total juvenile YOIs (male) 30 114 144 55 300 355
Other establishments
Local prisons (male)
Cardiff 2 2 3 3
Doncaster2 4 1 5 14 14
Exeter 1 1
Hull 2 2 3 3
Total local prisons (male) 8 1 9 21 21
Closed YOIs (female)
Bullwood Hall 1 1
New Hall 2 2 2 2
Styal 2 2 1 1
Total closed YOIs (female) 4 4 4 4
Open YOIs (female)
Drake Hall
East Sutton Park 1 1
Total open YOIs (female) 1 1
Other establishments
Local prisons (female)
Holloway 1 1
Pucklechurch 1 1
Total local prisons (female) 2 2
Total all establishments 57 129 186 156 367 523
1 Provisions figures.
2 Private prisons.