§ Mr. Martyn JonesTo ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what plans his Department has to implement the MacSharry proposals to modulate the common agricultural policy, with specific regard to(a) a taper on milk support and (b) restructuring of the hill livestock compensation allowance; and if he will make a statement. [18604]
§ Mr. BaldryThe Commission's proposals to modulate CAP payments were rejected by the Agriculture Council when it agreed to reform the CAP in May 1992.
§ Mr. DafisTo ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what are the active ingredients used in the dispersant used on the oil spill at Milford Haven in February. [17979]
§ Mr. BaldryThe dispersants used on oil spilt from the Sea Empress at Milford Haven contained the following ingredients:
- Butyl glycol
- Dioctyl sodium sulphosucinate
- Ethoxylated fish
- Ethoxylated sorbitan tri-tallate
- Ethoxylated tall oil
- Iso octanol
- Odourless kerosene
- Paraffin solvent
- Polyethylene glycol fatty acid ester
83- Propylene glycol
- Sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate propylene glycol
- Sorbitan monooleate
- Sorbitan monooleate ethoxylate
- Tall oil
- Water.