HL Deb 18 June 1996 vol 573 cc24-8WA
Lord Pearson of Rannoch

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will list the pieces of proposed European legislation which require unanimity among the member states and against which the United Kingdom has used its veto since 21st May 1996.

Baroness Chalker of Wallasey

As a consequence of the policy of non-co-operation, we blocked the following measures in the period 21st May to 14th June:

Measures on which the UK has withheld agreement to date for BSE reasons
Date Forum for agreement Measure
22nd May 1996 IGC Working Group Request for extra briefing meeting with EP
22nd May 1996 CFSP—Coreu Presidency initiative on Mongolian election observers
CFSP—Coreu Presidency proposal for EU statement on detention of pro-democracy activists in Burma
23rd May 1996 Signature of Insolvency Convention
23rd May 1996 Civil Protection Council Community action programme
23rd May 1996 Civil Protection Council Council Resolution on research
23rd May 1996 Civil Protection Council Council Resolution on co-operation with CEEs
28th May 1996 Development Council Council Conclusions on emergency aid, rehabilitation and long term development
28th May 1996 Development Council Council Conclusions on operational co-ordination
28th May 1996 Development Council Council Conclusions on decentralised co-operation
28th May 1996 Development Council Council Conclusions on migration and development
28th May 1996 Development Council Council Resolution on environmental impact of development projects
28th May 1996 Development Council Council Decision on financial measures for Centre for Development of Industry
28th May 1996 Development Council EU/Mexico negotiating mandate and political declaration
28th May 1996 Development Council Council Decision on emergency travel document
28th May 1996 Internal Market Council Council Resolution on legislative simplification
28th May 1996 Internal Market Council Council resolution on administrative co-operation
28th May 1996 Internal Market Council Council conclusions on accounting standards
28th May 1996 Internal Market Council Council conclusion on European company statute
28th May 1996 Internal Market Council Council decision on action programme for EU industry
28th May 1996 CFSP—Coreu EU reply to UNGA resolution 50/75 (strengthening security and co-operation in Mediterranean)
28th May 1996 CFSP—Coreu Demarche to Israeli authorities concerning blocking of EU activities and personnel in West Bank and Gaza
28th May 1996 CFSP—Coreu Draft EU letters on Salman Rushdie
28th May 1996 CFSP—Coreu Critical dialogue meeting on 19th June with Iran
28th May 1996 Former Yugoslavia Working Group (CFSP) French proposal for a demarche in Skopje on FYROM participation in the PIC Working Group
30th-31stMay 1996 Political Committee (CFSP) Geographical directors (troika) visit to Beijing
3rd June 1996 ECOFIN Draft regulation protecting financial interests of Community
3rd June 1996 ECOFIN Proposal on VAT on cut flowers
3rd June 1996 ECOFIN Response to Hariri on request for Lebanon reconstruction assistance
3rd June 1996 Social Affairs Council Council decision on Year against racism and xenophobia
3rd June 1996 Social Affairs Council Council resolution on transferability of vocational training qualifications
3rd June 1996 Social Affairs Council Council conclusions on demography
3rd June 1996 Social Affairs Council Recommendation on balanced participation of men and women in decision making
3rd June 1996 Heads of EU mission meeting Tel Aviv CFSP Proposed visit of Italian Foreign Minister to Israel on behalf of EU
3rd June 1996 Working Group on external fisheries policy Competences for FAO committee on Fisheries Trade
4th June 1996 EU consuls, Bangkok—CFSP Sending of aide memoire on prisoner transfers and related matters to Thai Justice Ministry
4th June 1996 Coreu—CFSP Further circulation of Presidency statement on elections in Albania
4th June 1996 Coreu—CFSP EU approach to US concerning Liberia visa restrictions
4th June 1996 Coreu—CFSP EU demarche on civil rights in Belarus
4th June 1996 Justice and Home Affairs Council Recommendation on Trafficking in Works of Art
4th June 1996 Justice and Home Affairs Council Recommendation on Fight against Counterfeiting
4th June 1996 Justice and Home Affairs Council Draft 1997 budget of Europol
4th June 1996 Justice and Home Affairs Council Report on 1995 Europol budget
4th June 1996 Justice and Home Affairs Council Joint action on directory of counter terrorist competences
4th June 1996 Justice and Home Affairs Council Joint action on drugs liaison officers
4th June 1996 Justice and Home Affairs Council Decision on measures implementing Article Kl of the Treaty on European Union
4th June 1996 Justice and Home Affairs Council Joint action on pre-frontier assistance and training assignments
4th June 1996 Justice and Home Affairs Council Recommendation on combatting illegal employment
4th June 1996 Justice and Home Affairs Council Work programme for Europol Drugs unit July-December 1996
4th June 1996 Justice and Home Affairs Council Resolution laying down priorities for co-operation in the field of justice and home affairs 1st July 1996–30th June 1998

Measures on which the UK has withheld agreement to date for BSE reasons
Date Forum for agreement Measure
4th June 1996 Justice and Home Affairs Council Common position on draft Hague Convention on Protection of Minors
5th June 1996 CFSP Presidency discussion paper on IAEA 93+2 programme
5th June 1996 CFSP Draft EU contribution to Nuclear suppliers group paper
8th-9th June 1996 Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference Conference conclusions on dialogue on third country energy co-operation
10th June 1996 General Affairs Council EU declaration on Great Lakes (especially Burundi)
10th June 1996 General Affairs Council TACIS regulation
10th June 1996 General Affairs Council Common position for EU/Syria Co-operation Council 10th June
10th June 1996 General Affairs Council Common position for 10 EEA Council
10th June 1996 General Affairs Council Common position/joint action on biological and chemical weapons
10th June 1996 General Affairs Council Political decision on resumption of aid to Niger
10th June 1996 General Affairs Council Decision on financial measures for Centre for Development of Industry
10th June 1996 General Affairs Council Council conclusions on Barcelona follow up
10th June 1996 General Affairs Council 6th VAT directive—derogation for Neisse Bridge
10th June 1996 General Affairs Council Adoption of common position on East Timor
10th June 1996 General Affairs Council Joint Declaration on political dialogue between EU and Andes Community
10th June 1996 General Affairs Council Assent to Commission decision on ECSC and Kazakhstan on trade in steel products
10th June 1996 General Affairs Council Appointment to Committee of the Regions
10th June 1996 General Affairs Council EEA joint committee—ALTENER programme: decision on co-operation
10th June 1996 General Affairs Council EU/Mexico negotiating mandate and political declaration
10th June 1996 General Affairs Council Response to Hariri on request for Lebanon reconstruction assistance
10th June 1996 General Affairs Council Decision on emergency travel document
10th June 1996 Fisheries Council Decision on implementation of Community Action programme on competitiveness of industry
11th June 1996 Culture Council Council Resolution on industrial co-operation with other regions and third countries
11th June 1996 Culture Council Council Decision on ARIANNE Programme
11th June 1996 Culture Council Council Decision on RAPHAEL Programme
11th June 1996 Culture Council Resolution on access to culture
11th June 1996 Culture Council Resolution on electronic publishing and libraries