HC Deb 10 June 1996 vol 279 cc16-7W
Mrs. Roche

To ask the President of the Board of Trade what work has been done by his Department to evaluate the Danish broker model within business links and training and enterprise councils. [31891]

Mr. Page

A business networking project based on the Danish broker model has already been piloted in the south-west. Business networking was one of three key areas identified for support under the second competitive White Paper, Cm 2867. As such, it figures prominently amongst the projects being developed throughout the country by TECs and business link partnerships.

Mrs. Roche

To ask the President of the Board of Trade what percentage of British companies are so far included in business links databases. [31909]

Mr. Page

The latest management information returns, which cover about two thirds of the country, indicate that some 617,000 businesses are registered on business link databases. This represents approximately 47 per cent. of the 1.32 million value added tax registered businesses in England. The requirement is for business links to record on their databases details of businesses with 10 or more employees, but many business links include other businesses.

Mrs. Roche

To ask the President of the Board of Trade to which Government Department he expects business links to answer primarily. [31908]

Mr. Page

Although business links receive considerable financial and other support from the Government, they are not Government agencies. As such they do not "answer" to any particular Government Department. They are, however, required to show the Departments which provide financial support that public funds have been used for the purposes intended. In addition, business links must meet the accreditation and branding requirements specified by my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade as agreed with national business link partners.

Mrs. Roche

To ask the President of the Board of Trade what plans he has to ensure that business links databases are integrated into a national database of exporters. [31904]

Mr. Page

All business links are required to collect common core information for all businesses with 10 employees or more, including whether companies are exporters and, if so, the percentage of sales that are exported, and be able to output this information in a common form.

Business links are private companies. Decisions on whether to integrate this information into national databases is a matter for them to consider on a commercial basis.

Mrs. Roche

To ask the President of the Board of Trade what guidance his Department issues to business links regarding the largest companies which should receive their services. [31906]

Mr. Page

Each business link is expected to provide a service to firms of widely differing sizes. The business link prospectus suggested a need to concentrate its services on businesses with between 10 and 200 employees. In developing business links, however, it has become clear that the real target is firms with the potential to grow, not firms of a particular size.